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Some Issues on Windows

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Some Issues on Windows

Sat Sep 28, 2013 3:54 pm
Hi,first of all,the program is amazing!
I have some issues with the the 64 bit windows version found on , maybe it's my fault I don't know.
The first is that every time I create a brush,from a previous one,with the overwrite preset function,when I reopen Krita I have a lot of copies of the brush,not only the one I created,I really don't understand how to create only a brush without having to cancel ten copies of it.
And I really can't paint the icon of the brush in the Edit brush settings, I can't only paint dot,but not a real stroke,it's painted only the first moment of every stroke.
Also when you invoke with right mouse button the circle menu with the color and the brush,after you have selected a brush or a color, sometimes the redrawing happens only in the region where the circle was,until I zoom in or out,after all works well.
This happens also when you invoke the color selector,same behavior,except the region redrawed is a box and not a circle.
Anyway, I like it a lot,with the new opengl acceleration I found the performance for panning and zooming great(this was a thing that in previous version make it really hard to use for me at least).
Last thing,not a problem,but a little suggestion,the arrows for the pseudo infinite canvas feature imo should appear sooner,much more,when you zoom on a big canvas the arrows appear only when you grab the screen in the opposite side really late.
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KDE Developer

Re: Some Issues on Windows

Tue Oct 08, 2013 8:40 am
I'll make a new installer when we finish the wintab stuff, and that will have a fixed scratchpad.


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