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Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Sun Dec 15, 2013 3:46 pm
I installed the new built, first impressions:
- Krita runs smoothly
- Eyedropper tool is indeed better
- Great addition to be able to choose to show or hide cursor while painting!

- Lost my shortcuts. The rc files in appdata/roaming/krita still have the correct shortcuts but I cannot find a way to make krita see them. I had the same problem in previous versions and the only way was to make a new shortcut set - I think I made this process over 100 times until now !! :-\
I also lost all the toolbar costumizations in brushes & stuff toolbar.
- The feature to remember the state of brush settings (attach to tollbar / detach from toolbar) is very neat. Only problem is that when I detach it from toolbar, the window goes at the upper left corner and I cannot move it.

I wasn't aware of the problem with single layered psds. I made some tests with the same files and if there are 2+ layers the file is saved normally, rgb or cmyk.
I think that the inverted cmyk occured when I was trying to save one layered psd.

Thank you, Keep up the good work!

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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Sun Dec 15, 2013 3:57 pm
odysseus-art wrote:I installed the new built, first impressions:
- Lost my shortcuts. The rc files in appdata/roaming/krita still have the correct shortcuts but I cannot find a way to make krita see them. I had the same problem in previous versions and the only way was to make a new shortcut set - I think I made this process over 100 times until now !! :-\
- The feature to remember the state of brush settings (attach to tollbar / detach from toolbar) is very neat. Only problem is that when I detach it from toolbar, the window goes at the upper left corner and I cannot move it.

I'm afraid that until we release 2.8, the shortcuts problem will remain... It's kind of the price of being on the bleeding beta edge :-(

The brush settings dialog problem I fixed today, and that'll be in the next build :-)
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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Sun Dec 15, 2013 4:06 pm
Good to know, not a big deal, I just was wondering if I was doing something wrong.

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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Sun Dec 15, 2013 6:25 pm
It's running really well for me, but what happened to the "Save to Palette" button in the "Brushes and Stuff" toolbar at the top of the window?

Is there some other way to access the quick palette editor so that I can add and remove brush presets?

I looked in "configure toolbars" and "Save to Palette" is not listed as an available action.
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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Sun Dec 15, 2013 8:08 pm
The option moved under Settings> Select Favorite Presets

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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Sun Dec 15, 2013 8:31 pm
Cool, there it is.
Thanks, Odysseus. :)
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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Sun Dec 15, 2013 10:53 pm
:) It looks like one of the little neat changes in the latest built.

I created (again :) ) new shortcuts but when I close and reopen krita, they're gone. I tried this several times. Is this to be expected as well?

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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:03 pm
New installers...

These contain scores of bug fixes, too many to sum up right now :-).
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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:39 am
Thank you a LOT! Very nice icon for this time of a year too ;)
I finally manage to log in after all that mumbo jumbo with KDE identity.. Anyways , so far all works just fine, I will give it a run tonight for some sketching and I will report anything I notice. So far so good!
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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:47 am
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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Thu Jan 02, 2014 11:25 am
bcooksley wrote:If you have problems logging into the forum, please contact the administrators at so we can sort out the issue.

I couldnt log in but after creating new account and connecting old one to it it works. Thank you.
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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:48 pm
Hi, I'm totally new to this site as well as to Krita.
I'd like to outline the problems I've been having using, and now installing Krita for Windows 8 for 64 bit. But before I do that, I'd like to note some tid bits about my computer in case such information is needed in addressing the issues outlined below. My computer uses Windows 8, 64 bit, 16GB RAM, I have latest version of Ghostscript installed prior to any installation of Krita (not sure if Ghostscript is relevant here though).

When I installed Krita for the very first time on my computer, it was with the distribution package numbered: krita x64 The install was successful, but when I opened up the program and clicked on the text tool button, then went to my artboard and drew what ended up being a rectangle shape, my mouse cursor turned to a small red circle with a forward slash across the circle. No matter where I moved the circle, I couldn't get the usual mouse pointer on my screen. The only thing I got was the small red circle. I couldn't click on any of the menus or do anything with Krita. So I opened up the Task Manager by clicking control/ALT/delete at the same time and then it showed on Task Manager that Krita was "not responding." So I ended/closed Krita using the Task Manager. Then I repeated the whole process and ended up getting the small red circle and Task Manager showing Krita was "not responding." I tried few more times. Then I uninstalled Krita, then installed again. I also tried downloading a fresh Krita installation file and installed that one and tried the whole process I just described above. Same thing: I got the small red circle and on Task Manager it showed that Krita was "not responding." I continued to uninstall, then go back to the Krita website to download a fresh new installation file again to repeat the whole process. I still got the exact same problem. So I uninstalled the x64 bit version and installed the x32 bit version. Installation was successful with x32 bit version as well, but when I went to click on the text tool button, the program seemed to hang but then no small red circle or program "not responding." Instead, I got the text tool working.

Ever since the problem I just outlined above occurred, I've been checking the Krita website to see if anyone else was having the same issue. Then today, I saw on this thread that a new installer with version #: krita x64 was available. So I went to the Krita website and downloaded that file. But now the problem is, I get a warning from Windows telling me the following:
"Windows protected your PC. Windows Smartscreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk." I clicked on more info, and it said next to "Publisher:" unknown publisher.

This has never happened when installing the installer for both x32 bit and x64 bit. I got a proper windows installer with

So right now, I don't have Krita installed, as I don't feel comfortable installing the latest installation files for I don't know if others are having a similar issue, but I'd appreciate it if someone would kindly show this post of mine to the creators of Krita to let them know about this issue. Thank you for your time and help.
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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:35 am
Welcome to the forum and to Krita!
I believe the text tool is a known problem but I haven't tried it myself recently. The protected PC warning is because any given new Krita installer is not likely to have been downloaded and used by many people. Windows doesn't have enough data to trust it yet. There's an option on that screen that will give you a button which says 'Run Anyway'. I consider Krita safe and tell it to run whenever I run into that screen with a new installer. If you're uncomfortable with running an untrusted installer, that's fine.
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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:11 am
Yes... The reason the package isn't signed is that our certificate expired, and getting a new certificate to sign the package with is pretty expensive. And we need to decide who will get the certificate: the Krita Foundation or KO GmbH. I make those packages on company time, so it should be KO, but we haven't finished wrangling yet.

I've been trying to reproduce the bug with the text tool all day yesterday and I haven't succeeded. I must be getting something wrong -- or maybe it's a matter of which tablet one uses. I have an intuos 3, the huion is still being held up by customs.
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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:03 am
Hello, thank you to the people who replied to my post.
With the previous distribution of Krita for Windows that created problems with the text tool, I didn't use any graphical tablets. I actually don't own one at the moment, and looking to get one for the very first time in the near future. I simply used my laptop mouse which is a standard one with USB cord attached to the computer, and I used the mouse to click the text tool, which resulted in the problems I described in my first post.

As for the certificate for the new distribution of Krita, I just started learning about the open source world and about all these computer concepts etc for the very first time in my life. So I'm not quite up to speed yet with all that involves digital certificates etc. So I think I'll wait for the new certificates with the latest distribution of Krita.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply to my post.


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