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Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

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Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:43 pm
Thanks to ghevan, we've now got Windows packages for Krita 2.8 beta 1. There's a huge amount of fixes compared to 2.7, but the early betas are also, well, a bit unstable. We're in an absolute bug-fixing frenzy, and that causes some collateral damage! ... .7.9.0.msi

There are separate msi's for Krita Gemini, but all installers contain Krita Desktop, Krita Gemini and Krita Sketch.

The final release is expected for the end of January, and I'm expecting to spend most of the Christmas vacation working on improving stability in every way.
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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:02 am
I haven't played with it much but I noticed that creating/opening files with OpenGL enabled is working properly again! I have a question about Canvas-Only mode: is it a bug or a feature that Canvas-Only now takes up the entire screen even if the Krita window proper isn't maximized? While I'm on the subject, I should report that the Canvas-Only display is broken when OpenGL is enabled. It doesn't update. I can move the image and draw strokes fine but they only appear when I tab out of Canvas-Only mode. That's what I've noticed so far. Great work, Krita dev team!

Windows 8 64-bit.
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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Thu Dec 12, 2013 8:47 pm
Wow, you guys move at the speed of light! One update after the other!
I also noticed a few glitches when in "tab" mode, but just on the first stroke. then it seems to go well.
However, I was unable to pick color using ctr. Changing the shortcut doesn't help, and going in or out opengl mode doesn't change anything either.

That said, it just feels great to see the word "BETA" on the window title!!
Keep it up! :)

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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Fri Dec 13, 2013 6:55 am
Thank you! Yet another version of Krita under Windows that works very well for me. Most definitely you guys are onto something. Will report if I run into any bugs.
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KDE Developer

Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Fri Dec 13, 2013 8:35 am
odysseus-art wrote:Wow, you guys move at the speed of light! One update after the other!
I also noticed a few glitches when in "tab" mode, but just on the first stroke. then it seems to go well.
However, I was unable to pick color using ctr. Changing the shortcut doesn't help, and going in or out opengl mode doesn't change anything either.

That said, it just feels great to see the word "BETA" on the window title!!
Keep it up! :)

If you have used an older version of Krita before, you need to remove the configuration files. Search in AppData for a file called kritadefault.profile and remove it. It's not unlikely that this'll need to be done again when we do the next release.
Silvio Grosso
Registered Member

Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Fri Dec 13, 2013 5:43 pm
Hi guys,

Just installed the new installer (2.8 beta-1) in order to test the OpenGL feature (on 3 different computers).
THANKS a lot indeed for your efforts ;)

Windows 8 (home edition) - 64 bit (Asus notebook s56c)
CPU Intel core i7 3537U
GPU nvidia geforce 740M (2 giga ram)
8 giga ram
Everything works fine (with the previous build the OpenGL feature was NOT working at all) ;)

Asus notebook (3 years old)
Windows 7 - 64 bit (Home edition)
CPU intel core i7 2630 Qm
GPU Nvidia geforce GT 540M CUDA (1gb ram)
Ram 8 gb
At present, OpenGL does not crash Krita anymore (whereas it occurred with the previous build). However, it is impossible to see my mouse's cursor on the canvas when I enable OpenGL (even adding the "use text buffer" option doesn't help in the least). To get the cursor back, I am forced to disable OpenGL.

Here you can watch a video showing this glitch (as soon as I enable OpenGL, the cursor disappears from the canvas while it is visible on the menu): ... CURSOR.avi

Dell Desktop - Optiplex 780
Windows 7 professional (32 BIT) - Service pack 1
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7500 @2.93GHz
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 3450
RAM: 4 Gb

OpenGL does not work at all :(
a) opengl enabled (bilinear filter): Krita (32 bit) crashes as soon as I restart Krita.
b) opengl > use texture buffer option: Krita (32 bit) crashes right away (as soon as I click on "Use texture buffer")

Here is the DebugView log for this latest Krita 32 bit build:
[3488] Debug:Compiled for arch: ::Vc::SSE41Impl
[3488] Debug:Features supported:
[3488] Debug: "SSE2" --- yes
[3488] Debug: "SSSE3" --- yes
[3488] Debug: "SSE4.1" --- yes
[3488] Debug: "AVX " --- no
[3488] QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
[3488] QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
[3488] krita(3488)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*): No time zone information obtained from ktimezoned
[3488] krita(3488)/kdecore (trader) class QList<class KSharedPtr<class KService> > __thiscall KServiceTypeTrader::defaultOffers(const class QString &,const class QString &) const: KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType "ThumbCreator" not found
[3488] krita(3488)/kdecore (trader) class QList<class KSharedPtr<class KService> > __thiscall KServiceTypeTrader::defaultOffers(const class QString &,const class QString &) const: KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType "ThumbCreator" not found
[3488] krita(3488)/kdecore (trader) class QList<class KSharedPtr<class KService> > __thiscall KServiceTypeTrader::defaultOffers(const class QString &,const class QString &) const: KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType "ThumbCreator" not found
[3488] krita(3488)/kdecore (trader) class QList<class KSharedPtr<class KService> > __thiscall KServiceTypeTrader::defaultOffers(const class QString &,const class QString &) const: KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType "ThumbCreator" not found
[3488] OpenGL version 1.1 or higher is present.
[3488] OpenGL version 1.2 or higher is present.
[3488] OpenGL version 1.3 or higher is present.
[3488] OpenGL version 1.4 or higher is present.
[3488] OpenGL version 1.5 or higher is present.
[3488] OpenGL version 2.0 or higher is present.
[3488] OpenGL version 2.1 or higher is present.
[3488] OpenGL version 3.0 or higher is present.
[3488] OpenGL version 3.1 or higher is present.
[3488] libpng warning: Duplicate iCCP chunk
[3488] libpng warning: Duplicate iCCP chunk
[3488] libpng warning: Duplicate iCCP chunk
[3488] libpng warning: Duplicate iCCP chunk
[3488] krita(3488)/kdeui (kdelibs): No such XML file "c:/users/leica/appdata/roaming/krita/share/apps/"
[3488] WARNING:
[3488] 2:6
[3488] :
[3488] warning(#239) Declaration should include a precision qualifier or the default precision should have been previously declared
[3488] WARNING:
[3488] 2:10
[3488] :
[3488] deprecaed130(#55) 'texture2D' is deprecated since GLSL1.3, we suggest to use 'texture'
[3488] WARNING:
[3488] 2:6
[3488] :
[3488] warning(#239) Declaration should include a precision qualifier or the default precision should have been previously declared
[3488] WARNING:
[3488] 2:10
[3488] :
[3488] deprecaed130(#55) 'texture2D' is deprecated since GLSL1.3, we suggest to use 'texture'
[3488] QGLShader::link: "Fragment shader(s) linked, vertex shader(s) linked.
[3488] WARNING: 2:6: warning(#239) Declaration should include a precision qualifier or the default precision should have been previously declared
[3488] WARNING: 2:10: deprecaed130(#55) 'texture2D' is deprecated since GLSL1.3, we suggest to use 'texture'
[3488] "
[3488] WARNING:
[3488] 2:6
[3488] :
[3488] warning(#239) Declaration should include a precision qualifier or the default precision should have been previously declared
[3488] WARNING:
[3488] 2:10
[3488] :
[3488] deprecaed130(#55) 'texture2D' is deprecated since GLSL1.3, we suggest to use 'texture'
[3488] WARNING:
[3488] 2:6
[3488] :
[3488] warning(#239) Declaration should include a precision qualifier or the default precision should have been previously declared
[3488] WARNING:
[3488] 2:10
[3488] :
[3488] deprecaed130(#55) 'texture2D' is deprecated since GLSL1.3, we suggest to use 'texture'
[3488] QGLShader::link: "Fragment shader(s) linked, vertex shader(s) linked.
[3488] WARNING: 2:6: warning(#239) Declaration should include a precision qualifier or the default precision should have been previously declared
[3488] WARNING: 2:10: deprecaed130(#55) 'texture2D' is deprecated since GLSL1.3, we suggest to use 'texture'
[3488] "
[3488] libpng warning: Duplicate iCCP chunk
[3488] libpng warning: Duplicate iCCP chunk
[3488] libpng warning: Duplicate iCCP chunk
[3488] libpng warning: Duplicate iCCP chunk
[3488] WARNING:
[3488] 0:10
[3488] :
[3488] warning(#239) Declaration should include a precision qualifier or the default precision should have been previously declared
[3488] WARNING:
[3488] 0:14
[3488] :
[3488] deprecaed130(#55) 'texture2D' is deprecated since GLSL1.3, we suggest to use 'texture'
[3488] WARNING:
[3488] 0:10
[3488] :
[3488] warning(#239) Declaration should include a precision qualifier or the default precision should have been previously declared
[3488] WARNING:
[3488] 0:14
[3488] :
[3488] deprecaed130(#55) 'texture2D' is deprecated since GLSL1.3, we suggest to use 'texture'
[3488] QGLShader::link: "Fragment shader(s) linked, vertex shader(s) linked.
[3488] "
[3488] QGLShader::link: "Fragment shader(s) linked, vertex shader(s) linked.
[3488] "
[3488] QGLShader::link: "Fragment shader(s) linked, vertex shader(s) linked.
[3488] "
[3488] CRITICAL: According to statistics of the KisTileDataStore some tiles have leaked from the Krita control!
[3488] CRITICAL: Tiles in memory: 3 Total tiles: 3
[3488] QWaitCondition: Destroyed while threads are still waiting
[3488] QWaitCondition: Destroyed while threads are still waiting
Registered Member

Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Sat Dec 14, 2013 12:58 am
I found a bug, when opengl is enabled, going to canvas only mode(tab) makes the canvas unusable. Going back, everything is ok.

Tried that on a helix with intel hd4000, win 8.1 64bit.

Tried reporting it in the bugtracker but there is no option under operating system for windows 8. Is it supposed to be like that? (do i choose unspecified or sth?)
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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:05 am
I cannot confirm that on Windows 7, 64 bit everything works fine in full screen mode.
michel g.
Registered Member

Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Sat Dec 14, 2013 12:01 pm
Hi, I found a major regression common to many tools, when using hotkeys to resize/move, so I've already filed the bug.
Since there was no "Krita 2.8 beta" I filed it under 2.8 pre-alpha, I hope that's OK. 8-)
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KDE Developer

Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Sat Dec 14, 2013 12:11 pm
I think that you might need to remove the kritadefault.profile file. Easiest probably is to go to your user's AppData directory and use explorer to find that file, then remove it.
michel g.
Registered Member

Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Sat Dec 14, 2013 12:23 pm
boudewijn wrote:I think that you might need to remove the kritadefault.profile file. Easiest probably is to go to your user's AppData directory and use explorer to find that file, then remove it.

I removed kritadefault.profile but it made no difference, and it's still happening. (I had actually removed the application folders under AppData before installing.)
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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:11 pm
I removed the .profile and reinstalled, everything works fine here.
windows 8.1
dell inspiron laptop with nvidia 650

I had a problem with psd export, in beta and also in earlier builts:
When I reopen the file it is just black with some horizontal lines.
Sometimes when I export CMYK psd thecolors are inverted.
Yesterday I tried to export in psd, opened in photoshop and it was again black. I still had the file open in Krita and hit "save". This time it was saved normally.
Is this a known issue?

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Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:21 pm
deleting kritadefault.profile solved color picker problem for me. Most of stuff seems to work ok. Enabling 'use texture buffer' randomly crashes krita with message 'cannot paint on this layer'. But with 'texture buffer' disabled it seems to work ok

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KDE Developer

Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:36 pm
odysseus-art wrote:I removed the .profile and reinstalled, everything works fine here.
windows 8.1
dell inspiron laptop with nvidia 650

I had a problem with psd export, in beta and also in earlier builts:
When I reopen the file it is just black with some horizontal lines.
Sometimes when I export CMYK psd thecolors are inverted.
Yesterday I tried to export in psd, opened in photoshop and it was again black. I still had the file open in Krita and hit "save". This time it was saved normally.
Is this a known issue?

Inverted colors with CMYK is new to me; the other issue could be related to an issue we have saving single-layer PSD files.
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KDE Developer

Re: Krita 2.8 beta 1 ready

Sun Dec 15, 2013 2:18 pm
New builds: ... .7.9.1.msi ... .7.9.1.msi

This is 7854e34d6aab7b732ea68a9746454aabf1a1e5eb of the 2.8 branch. Fixes since the previous build (0b7f3d94ba2b544de4184e367834326e0fc3d74c):

This build might fix opengl on Radion/AMD (no way to test for us...) and some issues with input.

All fixes:

* BUG: 328579: Add close button to quick access palette dialog
* BUG:328389: Fix delivering tablet events to wigdets other than the canvas
* BUG:328615: Fix an assert in KisToolPolylineBase (by Antony Saraev -- welcome!)
* Fix a lockup when pressing Shift while doing a stroke
* BUG:328621: Initialize the active composite op to default
* Fix a crash when using Select->Opaque and Color Range over fully transparent layer
* Show messagebox instead of backtrace when the shaders cannot be compiled
* BUG:328564: Fix autobrush size calculation
* BUG:324987: Make it possible to paint something with brushes smaller than 1.0
* BUG:328332: Add a menu entry to open a file manager on the resources folde
* BUG: 328456: Save and load color-dodge correctly. With fallback for old and broken ora files.
* BUG:328618: Accept the event in KoPathTool when we really need it
* BUG: 325481: Warn the user when enabling wraparound mode if opengl is off
* BUG:327977: don't show popups outside the screen
* BUG:312111: Only show suitable filters in the filter layer/mask dialog
* BUG: 328648: Do not show the High Quality filtering mode if it's not available
* BUG:326759: Use default rgb8 for setting the initial bg/fg color
* BUG:318024: Remember the detached status of the brush editor
* BUG:315553: Open the quick access ring under the cursor
* BUG:328630; Fix crash when cropping a Shape Layer
* BUG:328390: Fix undo for the Grid Brush
* BUG:328358: Fix too fast mouse clicks (triple clicks) issue (yoo many and too fast clicks on a canvas lead to a lock-up and switching to Default Tool)
* BUG:328649: Fix initialization order of OpenGL canvas (might fix opengl on AMD?)
* BUG:327162: Fix the border effect when working in Trilinear/HiQuality mode
* A more precise color-picker cursor (Thanks to David Revoy)


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