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Krita 2.8 Beta 2 ready

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Re: Krita 2.8 Beta 2 ready

Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:41 am
Okay, the x86 build is redone and should be okay now...
Silvio Grosso
Registered Member

Re: Krita 2.8 Beta 2 ready

Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:34 pm
Hi Boud,

THANKS a lot indeed for this new X86 version!

Unfortunately, this new build looks weird as well :(
Later on, I am going to test Krita x86 quite well in order to report back any glitch on the Kde bug tracker :)

My computer sports Windows 7 - 32 bit (Professional edition...)
Intel Core (TM) 2 Duo CPU E7500
Gpu: ati radeon
Ram 4 gb

I have downloaded the Krita_x86_2.7.9.5. msi newest build (the new "wand icon" is available, for instance).

Just noticed two things:
As soon as I click on the Krita launcher a windows pops up. Its message is:
"""You are running an x86 build on a 64 bits Windows
This is not recommended.
Please, download and install an x86 build instead"""
Afterwards, I click oK to go to test Krita...
2. I have tried as usual my standard jpg image (9 mb).
In less than a minute, with the filter Adjust > Brightness - Contrast, Krita crashes.
It suffices to move the curve up and down several times very *quickly* until Krita suddenly "goes down" > crash (that is, there is not even the usual message, by Windows, which informs me that the application has stopped working...).

As promised, I am about to test much further this new build and, for sure, I am going to report back ;)

Thanks a lot for your support :)
Best regards!

The REAL message printed into the Krita window is:
"""You are running an x86 build on a 64 bits Windows
This is not recommended.
Please, download and install an x64 build instead""" # x64 build does make sense here...

Sorry for the disturbance, MY bad...

Last edited by Silvio Grosso on Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
KDE Developer

Re: Krita 2.8 Beta 2 ready

Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:09 pm
Are you sure that you have a 32-bit Windows? That's a 64-bit processor and 4 GB of RAM, would make sense to run a 64-bit Windows.
Silvio Grosso
Registered Member

Re: Krita 2.8 Beta 2 ready

Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:38 pm
Hi Sven,

> Are you sure that you have a 32-bit Windows? That's a 64-bit processor and 4 GB of RAM, would make sense to run a 64-bit Windows.

Nice catch indeed :)

Just tried > systeminfo (through the cmd.exe) and it shows "X64 family" as CPU...
dxdiag on Windows doesn't show anything at all concerning the CPU (never thought to try systeminfo as well...)
The version of Windows 7 Professional (service pack 1) is a 32 bit one though and this is why I got completely sidetracked by thinking the CPU was the same (besides the Ram installed was not higher than 4 Gb either and I thought it was because of the "32 bit CPU"...) :(

To make it short, It looks like I can not test the newest x86 build anymore (since I don't own any Windows computer like that)...

My best regards and thanks your your help!
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KDE Developer

Re: Krita 2.8 Beta 2 ready

Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:43 pm
The message actually is wrong in that build... It'll be fixed in the next one.
Silvio Grosso
Registered Member

Re: Krita 2.8 Beta 2 ready

Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:48 pm
Hi Boud,

> The message actually is wrong in that build... It'll be fixed in the next one.

Just thought a bit longer about my computer (for sure it is a "weirdo") ;D

In short:
- The CPU is a 64 Bit one;
- Windows 7 - Professional is a 32 Bit version instead.

I suppose I can not install the - 64 bit version of Krita on this computer either... :(
To try this Krita version (64 bit), I should install Windows 7 - *64 bit* previously...
In the past, I have tried to install the Gimp 2.8.10 - 64 bit version (got here: on this computer and the installer didn't work at all.
More precisely, it complained rightly that it was a Windows 7 - 32 bit platform (and got stuck).

Today, on this one-of-a kind computer, I have worked with Krita x86 a couple of hours:
Krita crashed several times but I was always unable to reproduce the bugs later (bear with me...)
For instance:
- open a jpg image > flatten the image > crash!
- open a jpg image > save it as .kra > convert this new image into 16 bit colours > close and reopen the .kra > crash!
- open a jpg image > select with circle > copy this selection > crash!
- the only crash I can easily reproduce is related to the Filter > Adjust > Brighntess - Contrast (usually, it takes around 40-60 seconds to make Krita crash with a jpg image - 9 Mb)

Best regards!
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KDE Developer

Re: Krita 2.8 Beta 2 ready

Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:15 pm
Silvio Grosso, actually having 64bit computer with 32 bit operating systems is quite common. A 64bit system can't run 32bit drivers.

In the case of discontinued support for scanners for example, you'd only have access to 32bit drivers. To prevent the customer from complaining their old equipment doesn't work on the new 64bit systems, computer vendors install 32bit operating systems.
Silvio Grosso
Registered Member

Re: Krita 2.8 Beta 2 ready

Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:16 am
Silvio Grosso wrote:
As soon as I click on the Krita launcher a windows pops up. Its message is:
"""You are running an x86 build on a 64 bits Windows
This is not recommended.
Please, download and install an x86 build instead""" # here is my error (X86) !

Sorry, but the message above is NOT correct (completely my bad when I have written it yesterday...)
The REAL Krita message is:
"""You are running an x86 build on a 64 bits Windows
This is not recommended.
Please, download and install an x64 build instead""" # x64 build is the real message !
Actually, the previous message did not make any sense....

To recap, my computer runs Windows 7 Professional (service pack 1) - 32 BIT
The CPU is a X64 bit version instead...
As a consequence, I suppose I can not install a 64 bit version of Krita but only the 32 bit one (X86 CPU)...
I have tried in the past to install Gimp 2.8.10 (x64 version) and it didn't work.
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KDE Developer

Re: Krita 2.8 Beta 2 ready

Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:17 pm
Yes, the message is broken. It'll be fixed in the next build. I made a simple coding error there which I couldn't test because I don't have a 32 bits windows myself!
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KDE Developer

Re: Krita 2.8 Beta 2 ready

Sat Jan 25, 2014 2:20 pm
New builds ready:

These should be more stable, have a correct message when running the x86 build on Windows 64, gaussian blur is much improved and buch or other bug fixes, among others an issue with possible crashes when painting many small strokes very quickly.
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Re: Krita 2.8 Beta 2 ready

Sun Jan 26, 2014 1:16 am
Thank you! I just submitted bug report for that annoying bug with right click menu and stylus that brings that menu up only till you are keeping button pushed and nothing can be really chosen from menu. I do appreciate all your hard work on it as always, it just.. BUGs the hell outta me ;) I know about workaround, I did decribed it in bug report as it may be of some use for you guys.
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Re: Krita 2.8 Beta 2 ready

Sun Jan 26, 2014 2:27 pm
Thx. for update. Most of latest releases seems stable. Last update fixed color picking for me.
I did some painting recently and wish some things were improved:
-layer transformation (ctrl+T) - it is very hard to scale layer proportionally. You need to point cursor with pixel precision to corner of transformation gizmo. It's really annoying, because it is hard to hit, so I often end up rotating or shearing layer by accident.
- max brush size - I wish it was increased to 2500 for airbrush. If you paint on 4k x 3k image filling areas with 1k airbrush is bit slow.
- shift key for brush resizing seems bit slow for higher brush sizes. To get brush size to 1000 I have to shift+drag my pen 2-3 times. And if there was 2500 max brush size it would meant user has to shift-drag up to 7 times to get to max brush size. I think right now the way it works it is:
brush size y ~ mouse shift-drag (x)
But I wish it was
y ~ (x)^2 or something similar.
Thanks for your work, Krita is the best.

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KDE Developer

Re: Krita 2.8 Beta 2 ready

Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:57 am
New bulds!

(The xp build will follow)

Important fixes:

Bug 329967 - Crash after drawing freehand path on vector layer
Bug 330331 - Crash on application exit (calling input manager after its destructions)
Bug 291170 - particle brush breaks scratchpad
Bug 329846 - Filters processing not limited by selected area
Bug 316896 - Tool options widget broken
Bug 330537 - Crash/Assert when ALT key pressed and a floating Advanced Color Selector docker has focus
Bug 326441 - Brush parameters mixes up when switch between Stylus and Eraser.
Bug 329842 - Detached Brush settings ignore pressing DEL button
330415: Right click ON WACOM STYLUS does bring up menu but no favorite brush can be chosen
330333: Clicking with the mouse after using the stylus or viceversa doesn't work the first time Bug 330172 - Using the stylus eraser after using space-bar panning causes the brush size selection to get disabled
Bug 329048 - Krita freeze under when trying to insert text (Windows 8 only)
Bug 329006 - Duplicating layer group causes some child layers to become uneditable
Bug 330040 - Enabling OpenGL with an Intel integrated GPU causes the canvas-only mode to malfunction

Our list with release blockers is here: ... 4g3jnniuhb

An official Beta 3 will be released next week, and the final release is planned for February 26th.
Chris Jones
Registered Member

Re: Krita 2.8 Beta 2 ready

Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:06 pm
Thanks for the update - Text tool works in Artistic mode now, but Multiline text causes hanging (I'm not even sure what that mode actually does... can't find any documentation). Does this need a new bug report, or should we reopen the other one?

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KDE Developer

Re: Krita 2.8 Beta 2 ready

Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:17 pm
Hm... That should be fixed, really. I need to check with Dmitry on the multiline text tool issue.


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