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Autosave Inturruptions

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Chris Jones
Registered Member

Autosave Inturruptions

Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:01 am
Whenever Autosave kicks in, Krita becomes unusable for 10 seconds or so on large images. If it's set to autosave every minute, that adds up to a lot of inturruptions! I don't remember noticing it in the past - either it's a regression or I wasn't aware of what was causing it before.

Is it possible for Autosave to do its thing without halting workflow?


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KDE Developer

Re: Autosave Inturruptions

Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:00 pm
Well, actually autosave waits with kicking in until you're done with a stroke, so the interruption should be minimal... The only thing that changed about autosave in the .5 build is that we don't display the 'autosave failed' error anymore if autosave couldn't occur because the user was changing the image.
Chris Jones
Registered Member

Re: Autosave Inturruptions

Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:29 pm
I find that if I'm doing lots of rapid strokes (as I usually am), the strokes suddenly stop being laid down and I have to wait - and then the last stroke appears (sometimes it hangs on to it and a stray stroke is dragged across the canvas)...

If it's not possible for it to allow you to keep working while it saves (which would be ideal), perhaps it could only save when it detects that there's been no activity for a couple of seconds or so, along with a more prominent indicator so you know not to attempt to draw anything while it's saving?

Autosave with the occasional inturruption is definitely preferable to no autosave at all, just brainstorming ways it could possibly be improved upon. :)


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