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Bosto graphics tablet support

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Bosto graphics tablet support

Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:02 am

I just discovered Krita a few days ago and I've added it to the list of supported software on the Bosto User Group:
Bosto User Group - Software Knowledgebase

I tested Krita version 2.8 beta 1 on my 14WA graphics tablet. The 22HD uses the same driver since November of 2013, so it's fairly safe to assume that combination will also work well. I was not able to test the older 19" models, which I think are discontinued, but use a very different driver. I'll see if I can get one of the older users to test for you.

The Good:
Pen pressure and the right click functions were working as expected. In fact, line quality was excellent. I was surprised to find there were no stabilization settings like that of MangaStudio or Sketchbook Pro, and yet my ruler test produced fantastic results. Amazing job by your dev team.

The Bad:
Using the pen's eraser, however, produced the same results as the pen. I looked for a setting that might change the eraser's input function but was not able to find one. I did notice the ability to add input entries. Is this something an end-user could correct? If so, I'd be happy to try some different input functions.

The Ugly:
I use 3 24" monitors at 1920 x 1080 along with my Bosto 14WA which uses a resolution of 1366 x 768. My center monitor is set to my main, while the desktop extends to the other two. When I use the graphics tablet, I manually extend the desktop temporarily. However, Krita, and some other software, like openCanvas and Sketchbook Pro introduce a pen offset when using an extended desktop. This offset only occurs in the canvas area and not in the toolbars or menus, where the pen and cursor line up within a pixel or two. If I disable all other monitors so that the graphics tablet is the only available desktop, the cursor offset goes away. Now that I'm aware of the details of the bug, I plan to re-test each software for this specific problem.

My tablet uses a wintab32.dll based driver which appears to be a modified Hanvon Sentip driver. The 14WA has a digitizer with a PCB board that's labeled "viewsonic", but I have failed to identify it further other than to note that Viewsonic and Hanvon have teamed up in the past to create digitizers for graphics tablets. I suspect that any support you might implement specifically for Hanvon tablets, more specifically the Hanvon Sentip, will have similar results on the Bosto. Sorry, I don't know any more than that.

Lastly, Krita doesn't remember where I positioned it last, always reverting to my "main monitor" on the next start-up. I also prefer NOT to use it in "Sketch" mode, but it always starts up that way and I have to switch it. I've looked for settings for both of these things, but I haven't had any luck.

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Re: Bosto graphics tablet support

Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:23 am
The Eraser tip of the pen is considered as a second device by Krita. Just select the tool you need with the Eraser and it will be saved separately from the tool on the Pen tip of your stylus. Just flip the stylus and use another tool.

Also note that there is a small problem with switching Pen/Eraser in the current build. The problem is already fixed in master and the fix will be delivered with the next windows build of Krita.


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