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Colour Picker Accuracy

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Chris Jones
Registered Member

Colour Picker Accuracy

Mon Feb 03, 2014 1:31 pm
Does anyone else find the colour picker harder to use in the recent build(s)? I think the icon must have changed - I don't remember having this much trouble selecting a colour before. Try picking from a few pixels for example; the crosshairs at the end of the eyedropper completely obscure the area you're trying to sample from. Would it not be better if the crosshairs were removed and the colour was sampled right next to the eyedropper tip?

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Re: Colour Picker Accuracy

Tue Feb 04, 2014 9:23 am
Ah, I think Deevad changed the cursor... but I think he was trying to get is more accurate, not less. Maybe a source-merge issue?
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Re: Colour Picker Accuracy

Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:02 pm
Hey, thanks for pointing me this. I think I'm also the culprit for the damage. Sorry xD

I knew something was wrong since two weeks with them, but had hard time to point it.

The reason of the change is simple ;
- On my first change , icons were coded before directly in code using xbitmap langage. It was a pain to edit.
At this time, icons were only black or full-alpha symbols, then Krita was dynamically outlining in white the non-alpha pixels.
- Later, and not that far ago , a refactoring happened, to get new icons. ( pick layer 'R' , zoom , rotation, etc... ) I made the new set of icon including the color-picker.
Dmitry proposed me to make them as *.xpm files , still xbitmap , but in separate files ( in calligra/krita/data/cursors ). Those images could now support Black and White and Alpha. So, I had to redo the color-picker(s) ( in fact 4 variation exist now ; foreground , background, foreground active layer only, background active layer only ).
The harder was to emulate the 1px white fringe all around icons. I made it mainly with Gimp ; select opaque , dilating selection of 1px and fill with white... Exept I see today the result is bold and all cross hair has now lake of precision.

Today, I'm going to correct this. o)
Thanks for the report !

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Re: Colour Picker Accuracy

Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:15 pm
o) update !
Boud just pushed the fixed icons here : ... 7c1401322d

Before ( right ) , New ( left ) :


Chris Jones
Registered Member

Re: Colour Picker Accuracy

Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:01 pm
Hi Deevad,

Hmm.. that does look like an improvement, although personally when I'm colour picking I need to be able to see the surrounding pixels, and the crosshairs kinda obstruct them from view... wouldn't it be clearer and more precise without the crosshairs, and with the sampling area right at the very tip of the eydropper (as per Painter, Photoshop etc)?

Sorry to make a fuss, I just tend to colour pick an awful lot (ie every few brush strokes), so little things like this could make quite a difference. And this is all IMHO of course. :)

Chris Jones
Registered Member

Re: Colour Picker Accuracy

Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:48 am
Something still seems off with the colour picker, and I don't think it's just the crosshairs. I find it often selects a colour that is well away from the center of the crosshairs, and it takes one or more pen taps in the same area before the right colour comes up. I'm starting to develop a habit of repeatedly tapping to make sure I've got the right colour.

Can anyone confirm? It only seems to crop up when I'm immersed in the details of a painting, and so far I haven't been able to reproduce it when specifically trying to.

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Re: Colour Picker Accuracy

Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:49 am
Hi Chris, I am also experiencing a similar issue, and I cannot tell for sure what goes wrong with color picking. Sometimes it happens, others not. My conclusion so far is that it has to do with the big issue of the "canvas only" functions, like color picking, panning, etc.
As long as I am just painting, color picking and panning around, everything goes well.
But as soon as I click on a Ui element ( menu, docker, anything outside the canvas) then I have to click once on the canvas before its functions start working again.

Do you think these issues are connected?

Chris Jones
Registered Member

Re: Colour Picker Accuracy

Sat Apr 26, 2014 3:30 am
Hey thanks for chiming in, I'll try to take note of my movements when I'm back on the job next week and see if that's the case. I use the pop up palette a lot, I wonder if that's interfering...

Chris Jones
Registered Member

Re: Colour Picker Accuracy

Thu May 08, 2014 11:11 am
After a couple of colour-picking intensive weeks I still haven't been able to pin this one down. I can say though that it occurs when I'm just picking and painting without clicking on anything else in-between. Sometimes it picks a colour that isn't remotely near the cursor (or possibly even present on the canvas), and I think it also happens in the reference docker. Seems completely random. :-\


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