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HUION H610 Pro Offset Cursor Near Screen Edge

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Firstly Thank you for all the help.
Tablet: HUION H610 Pro
Operation System: Windows 8

Recently I bought a Huion and I know that Krita is quite a powerful program and Free I decided to use it excitedly :)
However when I go near the right side or bottom, the grey areas off the canvas, 2 cursors appear. This ONLY happens when I use the tablet to navigate. When I use the mouse it is perfectly fine.

I forgot to mention, pressure sensitivity works!
Everything is fine except that offset issue :(

Since images are easier to understand I have provided some below :)

Any Questions? Feel free to ask!

I would LOVE to use Krita, however this issue, impacts my art :(
Thank you for the help once again :)
Great community

Last edited by Perijoy on Fri May 23, 2014 11:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Registered Member
Seems like i'm not the only one stuck with problems with this model. Did you try the 0516 drivers ? ... -20140516/
I can't offer more advice since i'm unable to make the pen presure work on windows 7 x86/x64 (this happens only with krita).
Registered Member
Sorry for the late reply.
I've tried installing the drivers you linked to however that turned ALL of my pressure sensitivity off.
This DID though eliminate the weird cursor bug, but with no pressure sensitivity I can't use the tablet properly.
I don't know why the drivers don't work.
The only drivers which worked for me are the ones linked to at HUION's main site.
I've tried just installing the one's you linked and have tried using both. The results are the same :(
The pressure sensitivity doesn't work either way, but the bug is gone. I think this makes the computer think I'm just using a mouse since when using a mouse this problem does't occur.
So for now I'll just stick to the original drivers with pressure sensitivity but suffer from the bug.
I hope they fix this in their next update.

What programs did you get pressure sensitivity to work on and how?
I can't seem to get GIMP working with pressure sensitivity.
However Paint Tool SAI works. Have you tried PHotoshop?
How did you get pressure sensitivity to work in these other programs?
Thanks for replying and best of luck :)
BTW What drivers did you install and how did you configure them?
If you figure something out, please share :)
Registered Member
I have windows 7 x64 and you seems to use windows 8, so our results should be different:

sai works
photoshop cc, sure huion have priority that this one works (latest drivers where about fixing photoshop cc)
manga studio 5 seems to have issues but they gave a solution in the huion google group!categories/huion
Sketchbook seems to be the least fortunate. Everyone seems to agree that it doesn't work as it should.

Marand kindly posted some tricks to try under windows to fix issues with non wacom tablets on another thread. He gave easy to follow instructions that could work under windows 8

As for me, I'm currenly waiting for the huion support to fix the problem on windows, since krita works fine with digimend drivers on linux
And that's all i know, hope it may be of some help.
Registered Member
Do you have a secondary monitor? If so, disable it.

I'm using the older version of the Huion H610 and am on a 2-year old Dell laptop with Windows 7 as the OS. I decided to try out Krita on the recommendation of a friend and so far it's been great, but this bug has been a constant sore. The way I work is that I have my references and web browser on one screen and my art programs on the other. Hence, this solution isn't the best, but it works. Here's to hoping it gets fixed soon.


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