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New Windows Build (from Git Master)

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Chris Jones
Registered Member
Further to what I mentioned about the Popup Palette above, the triangle tends to gradually drift away from the currently selected hue when adjusting the saturation/value within it, which renders it a tad useless for now.

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KDE Developer
Chris Jones wrote:Further to what I mentioned about the Popup Palette above, the triangle tends to gradually drift away from the currently selected hue when adjusting the saturation/value within it, which renders it a tad useless for now.

Is that so? Because I actually fixed that bug in the main colour selector.

It's probably a rounding error+the palette updating itself too often.
I'll look at it when I get the time :)
Chris Jones
Registered Member
It is so. :)

Thanks Thera!

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KDE Developer
One more:

This one I want to share with the kickstarter backers.


* better error messages when loading an exr file
* improve layout of the on-canvas messages
* fix issues with cursor handling when mirrored painting is switched on
* don't crash when trying to ctrl-alt pick a color from a layer group
* make it easier to grab the handles in the transform tool
* add a scalable distance option to weighted smoothing that corrects the distance for the zoom level
* fix painting the transparency checkers in opengl mode
* fix hiding the brush outline when the cursor is outside the canvas
* better check when loading resources, invalid resources are skipped
* improvements to the clone brush: the clone brush can now clone from the image projection as well as a single layer and you no longer have to switch brush presets to start cloning from another layer. It works like this:

- select source layer (A)
- select clone brush
- ctrl-click to select the clone point
- select any layer to clone to (layer B)
- decide you want to clone from layer C
- select layer C
- press ctrl-alt-click to start cloning from that point on layer C
- select any layer to clone onto

* restore the New View action in the View menu
* add image sizes and templates for game textures
* fix bug 335660 ( Brush tool has strange behavior when selected on a vector layer)
* fix an issue where gnome would block keyboard input after a floating message was shown
* fix the labels in the canvas size dialog
* Hide the canvas extension buttons in wraparound mode
* Fix loading of PSD files saved by Photoshop Creative Cloud that have lots of nested groups
* Add Y+gesture shortcut for setting exposure
* Don't break the artistic color selector's lightstrip when floating the docker
* Fix the move layer into group icon in the layerbox
* Add better error messages for the EXR filter.

And the biggie: this build includes OpenEXR and OpenColorIO support, which means that you can play with the improved color selectors to your heart's content! An article on the topic will be published shortly.
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Registered Member
Thank you!
I am so disappointed that kickstarter is not accepting paypal still... Not that I have hell of a lot money to spent, but thats the only way for me. Anyways good luck - watching last update of Photoshop I have no illusions when it comes to Adobe. And Krita is not only growing fast but growing in right direction. Future is here ;)


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