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Successful build of Krita on Windows with Emerge

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Antton T.
Registered Member
Mike A. wrote:Can you submit it as a patch to Emerge? I just pushed the update to version 0.25 to the master repo. Most likely thing you want to try is run emerge --createpatch and overwrite the old patch in the Portage folder.

Right now I don't have time for these things. Currently I'm doing mostly coffee break debuggin to get krita running. I'll get back to it later.

Mike A. wrote:Nice find. That also sounds good to submit upstream. These guys are also using Reviewboard so you have to submit it there.

I believe the kdoctools one has already been fixed in the master. Not sure about the kdelibs4support one.

I managed to get things built and installed with fairly minor changes. Libcolor tripped me for a bit as kis_color_manager.h was not included in the cmakelists and gcc reported that as undefined reference to vtable, which is always fun to figure out. It doesn't seem to run though (crashes right after splashscreen appears), which was expected, but now I'm a bit lost in the KDE idiosyncrasies again. The guide for the old version suggests some extra steps after installation, but that doesn't seem trivially applicable to the new. I couldn't find clear info on what the kbuildsycoca does and how to get it properly configured (or whether it's even needed now). Do we have something equivalent to kdehome or .kde in the newer system? Just running kbuildsycoca5 reports:
Could not find drkonqi at r://bin/drkonqi
kbuildsycoca5 running...
Recreating ksycoca file ("C:/Users/user/AppData/Local/cache/ksycoca5", version 300)
Menu "" not found.
"" not found in ()
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Mike A.
KDE Developer
Antton T. wrote:It doesn't seem to run though (crashes right after splashscreen appears), which was expected, but now I'm a bit lost in the KDE idiosyncrasies again. I couldn't find clear info on what the kbuildsycoca does and how to get it properly configured (or whether it's even needed now). Do we have something equivalent to kdehome or .kde in the newer system?

That's great, these last configuration steps are just some dumb interaction of environment variables and install paths. Kbuildsycoca is an application to install your freedesktop/XDG and KDE configuration files in the system configuration cache. That is, it searches and re-indexes all the files like "krita.desktop" which are used to define task bar icons, files like "KisToolCrop.action" which populate your keyboard shortcut configuration menu, and so on. It's kinda-sorta like a Windows registry update.

My personal setup for the dumb interaction looks like this. I am using the Emerge subst to map C:\kde-msvc\ to r:\, and I set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = "r:\". In my init script I throw in the kitchen sink, like so:

Code: Select all
$env:Path = $env:Path + ";r:\lib"
$env:XDG_DATA_HOME = "r:\share"
$env:XDG_CONFIG_HOME = "r:\config"
$env:KDEDIRS = "r:"
$env:KDEHOME = "r:\share\.kde"

Installing icons is also a little finicky. If you are missing them the easiest thing to do is just download this archive and extract it in r:\share\icons.

Last edited by Mike A. on Wed Aug 26, 2015 3:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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KDE Developer
Krita itself doesn't need kbuildsycoca anymore to find its plugins. With the stripped kdelibs I use for our windows releases, it isn't needed at all, not even for the kde libraries. With frameworks, right now, it's still needed, especially for the KIO thumbnail/preview plugins. There have been some discussions about that, and some patches, but I need more time to look into it.

In general, MY goal is to make Krita on Windows not need any of that, no sycoca, no kded, no dbus. For Krita 2.9.x, I'd already succeeded :-)


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