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Issues with saving .kra files?

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Issues with saving .kra files?

Fri Jun 12, 2015 10:00 am
Hi there, I posted this in the general help section which probably wasn't the best place for it.

I just upgraded to 2.9.5 on 64 bit, and I'm running windows 8.1.
I have issues with krita appearing to save .kra files and then not doing it. For all of this I had the "create backup" feature turned on, but autosave turned off.

In a recent painting, that started by opening a jpg and painting over, after half an hour of work I saved the file once manually. Seemed to work, no errors, though it took a while and there weren't many layers.
Then at some point I saved again, the hour glass pointer wouldn't disappear this time, but I could still work as per usual. I did so for about 5 minutes, but a bit worried, I then saved again. It again seemed to work. I closed the document, it asked me to save again, even though I had just apparently saved it and so I did. No error message. Closed down fine.

On reopening Krita, the .kra file was nowhere to be found. In the directory, there were about 4 files named "" Where the bolded bit was different in each. They are all only about 3-4 MB, so I can't imagine these are my layered backup files. They won't open in Krita.

I upgraded my intel HD drivers as suggested in the install notes.
I'd love to recover my files if possible, but more importantly need to know if this is a known bug of some sort and if I need to report it. It basically renders Krita useless on my machine, and given I have used versions from 2.8 up to 2.94 with no issues for freelance work for 6 months, I really would love to be able to know what is going on or I will be be forced to go back to the older versions.

Thanks for any help in advance!

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KDE Developer

Re: Issues with saving .kra files?

Fri Jun 12, 2015 10:55 am
Recent versions of Krita have issues with jpeg files coming straight from the scanner because there's wonky meta-data being passed to the resolution xmp meta-data. We recommend you resave those jpgs first in paint or wherever, to strip out the xmp.
We'll likely have a proper fix by wednesday, but right now Krita refuses to save kra files from affected jpgs.
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Re: Issues with saving .kra files?

Fri Jun 12, 2015 11:45 am
Hey thanks for the quick reply!
I have managed to import it in another way other than straight opening it and it seems to have no issues. The jpeg wasn't directly from a scanner , but I will keep this in mind for the future.

Thanks again!


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