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A BIG thank you and some small considerations!

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This is my first post and I would love to share here my short but great experience using Krita!

I'm using Krita mainly for post pro on rendering work and though I know it's main intended use is digital painting, I am/was a Gimp user and started using Krita for the 16-32bit depth color information as well as layer filters and the incredible mask possibilites. I fell in love with many other stuff like the wrap around mode wich speed up my texture creation immensly.

So let me start by the big thank you!

I've got some considerations also though as some minor aspects get a bit in my way and I hope you find these remarks useful:

1 - I'm running on a 4k monitor at 100% windows size and the layer's thumbnails size is very small and I take this chance to tell you also what I think isn't working well on lyaer's side as for my line of work that's key. (It's already much more powerful than Gimp so in this regard the issues I have are minor):

- The minimal view is VERY small though I like how the clickeable icons get clearly separated from the thumbnail and name.
- The detailed view has slightly bigger thumbnails but not enough and the icons get mixed with thumbnail and name.
- The thumbnail view is the only one where we can control icon size but has no clickeable icons so one can't control it

Can we have thumbnail size defined by user for all layer view modes?

2 - I already read here that multi doc isn't working well and that is my case too. I can't crop most of the time and zooming in or out in one of the docs sometimes it's impossible until I close everything else. (EDIT: I just downloaded so I'll recheck)

3 - Open GL isn't working very well with big images. When I open a rendered image wich has around 4k it won't open until I untick OpenGL in Krita preferences. When I tick it back on, it ceases zooming or panning and I didn't even try other work on it.

Without Open GL, however, I can't work on Wrap Around mode, (and I love it so much!) My GPU is a nVidia Titan X with 12Gb and I'm running .

4 - Is it possible to Open a Multilayered EXR with Krita? My render software, in beta stage is able to pull it off but I can't seem to open it...

5 - Lastly, would it be possible for Krita to remember the last export format used instead of always prompting us for saving on .kra format. I would leave that for saving and not exporting...

Once again, thank you for your hardwork and I'm sorry for the extensive list, I would break it in several topics if you'd like.

Best regards,

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KDE Developer
1. is going to be covered by (use you forum account in the ldap login to see)

2, 3. Report a bug please

4. I can open multi-layered exrs here just fine, might be an issue with the renderer. Report a bug I guess?

5. I think this has been requested before but I don't recall whether there was a bug reported already.

Bugs can be reported at, but you'll need a seperate account for that.
Registered Member
TheraHedwig wrote:2, 3. Report a bug please

2 - Seems solved in new release. I'm sorry for mentioning it before.

3 - I can't reproduce this today, though I could last night. I will report as soon as I can reproduce it.


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