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Image Automatically Darkens When Exporting?

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Recently, when I export a finished piece of art to post on a website, the whole file seems to become darker. This results in my colors becoming darker, and they look almost as if they have a "multiply" effect on them, though I have checked and this is not the case. Needless to say this is very frustrating because the art can end up looking very different from what I wanted it to. Maybe I accidentally clicked something I wasn't supposed to and it messed up, but I would appreciate if anyone could help me out (this is probably the case since it was working fine before and I haven't downloaded any new updates since).
I am using Krita 2.9.6 x64 bit in Windows 10.
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KDE Developer
Two possibilities: You had an image you made in a linear color space and didn't convert it to sRGB(sRGB-elle-v2-srgbtrc.icc) before export(and then something like imgur ripped out the meta-data that specified it was a linear space, mucking up the colors), or you are using Firefox on Linux. If neither, please specify which color space is attached to the image and how you made it.
Registered Member
TheraHedwig wrote:Two possibilities: You had an image you made in a linear color space and didn't convert it to sRGB(sRGB-elle-v2-srgbtrc.icc) before export(and then something like imgur ripped out the meta-data that specified it was a linear space, mucking up the colors), or you are using Firefox on Linux. If neither, please specify which color space is attached to the image and how you made it.

It turns out my color space was set to sRGB-elle-v2-g10.icc, and after I exported it using elle-v2-srgbtrc.icc, it no longer darkened the image. Thank you for responding so quickly. One more question; is there a way I can set this colorspace to be my default so I won't run into this problem again?


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