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How can I assign "z" key for enabling zoom tool and zoom pre

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How can I assign "z" key for enabling zoom tool and zoom pressing with my stylus?.

I try to assign the "z" key and i can't.

I would like to have a soft zoom like I have in Photoshop: y press the "z" key and after that, I press the nib of my astylus and "draw" and I can zoom in and out continuously.

It's uncomfortable for me being forced to press the preselected far keys of "[" and "]" . I use to have all my basic keys near rached with my left hand/fingers and I can't paint under these conditions.

I really love this program but if the configuration of the shorkeys doesn't allow me freedom enough for that basic configuration of my keyshorts...Humm...i will have to comeback to MangaStudio. :-/ ...

And I would love to use this when I buy my next tablet surface Pro 4 with the M3 processor...ARGHHH.

Cand you change the assignation of the "z" key to the zoom tool of this fantastic program?.

Thanks in advance.


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