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issues- Autosave, Brush Presets and Toolbar

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Hi everyone! Unfortunatelly a have some more issues with Krita. Weird thing are happening after latest update. :(

Autosave- I enabled it. I was painting for hours and Krita crashed. I found .kra file with "autosave" in its name in location of my original painting but it was at the begining stage. The save I took manualy was far more up to date than autosave (that supose to save every 5 minutes). I folowed this instruction:
but didn't found anything. I've searched my whole computer for "autosave", "kra" and "[my paintings name]" frazes and found nothing I was able to open with Krita or 7zip. Please, tell my I just missed them..

Brush presets- There are brushes that used to by in my Favorite Presets. I no longer use them so I removed them from this tag but they keep reappearing on my Pop Up Pallet every time I run Krita. They are not shown in Favorite Presets window but from view of all brushes I can remove them from Favorite Presets. So I do.. Every time.. I can just say it's annoying.

Toolbar- I set Stabilizer on and off to apper on Brushes and Stuff Toolbar. They are visible in configuration window but not on acctual toolbar. If I will remove them and add again or change their text they will appear but the next time I'll run Krita I will have to repeat these steps again (like with brush presets). It looks like this:

Huge thanks for any help or explanation!


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