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Surface Pro 4 pen, eraser side not recognized properly.

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In Adobe's (and other brands of software), they have it such that when you flip the pen over you can use the rounded tip as an "eraser" in that it automatically chooses the most recent choice of eraser and automatically has it set to the last chosen size.

This function does not occur with krita. I wouldn't mind it if it if all we had was it choosing the eraser brush and then we had to manually edit the size each time, but we do not even have this functionality.

Now, don't get me wrong, I understand that krita's core functionaility code was began long before the surface pro 3 or 4, so this is something that has to be worked in when time is allowed by those that do these kinds of coding.

This is simply a new artist who is also new to this software requesting that this functionailty be implimented if possible. The problem seems to stem from krita recognizing both sides as a left click of the mouse, or rather both sides as the "tip" of the pen instead of two opposite inputs. The pen actually has 5 input methods available, hover, tip, side click, and "eraser" tip, and eraser hover. All 4 should be able to be used as seperate inputs (hover for airbrushes n such by default, sharp tip for standard pen input, side click as a right click by default, and eraser tip by default as something that automatically choses the eraser on eraser hover and then inputs as it touches the screen.

If this already can be done via some setting changes, please do let me know.

I'm on windows 10, Surface Pro 4 (i5 4gig version, latest updates for windows and as far as I know for krita as well)
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KDE Developer
The SP3 didn't have an eraser tip side, that was the one-note button. In any case, with a Wacom stylus, flipping over the stylus selects a different preset, by default a hard eraser. You can try 3.0 pre-alpha, which has some improvements for the n-trig stylus that Microsoft bought for the Surface Pro, but I'm not sure everything is supported -- us developers, we only have access to SP3's.
Registered Member
Prior to 3.0, my Surface pen eraser, used with my Surface Pro 3, would be recognized, but I had to tap it, and bring it away from the screen, and tap again a couple times to get it to work.

3.0, it switches much more easily, though changes back as if I switched to the pen side if I bring the eraser too far from the screen. But it still mostly works, at least over previous versions, so try 3.0 if you haven't!


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