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Eraser and Brush switch lag [3.0 pre-alpha]

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When switching from eraser to brush, or brush to eraser, the pen will freeze for about 2-5 seconds before resuming normal use. This has been present in all versions I have tried of 3.0 so far, including the version posted yesterday. This issue doesn't occur in any version of 2.9 I have used in the last few months, so I'm assuming it's an 3.0 issue.

    It only effects the pixel, color smudge, and sketch brush engines. All other engines seem to work without any hang up.

    It occurs with all brush sizes, large or small.

    It doesn't occur on my Windows 7 laptop, but does on the windows 10 desktop with the specs I have posted below.

    The issue isn't present when I use a mouse instead of my Huion tablet.
    I have the most recent driver for my tablet. [ Huion 610pro ]

    I have tried deleting my settings/appdata folder for krita to make sure there wasn't something in there doing it.

    and I have tried it with openGL on and off, no difference.

System information:

I'm posting here first to ask if anyone can tell me if it's a "just me" issue-- as in, is there something i can/should do to fix this, or should I go ahead and report it as a bug? I wanted to be sure before I added any more to the 3.0 bug load. I saw a similar bug, but it doesn't appear to be the same issue that I am having, and it was reported for 2.9.

I apologize if there is another instance of this issue already reported, but maybe with different wording than what I could think of.

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Is this switching with the E key or switching between an eraser and a brush preset?
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boudewijn wrote:Is this switching with the E key or switching between an eraser and a brush preset?

Using 'E' key. Switching presets is fine. [I misread your message the first time, whoops!]


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