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Windows completely crashes when painting

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OS: Windows 10.
Brand new Y5070 Lenovo laptop with an Nvidia GeForce GTX 960M graphics card.
Software: Using Krita 2.9.11 (x64)

This happened to me many times, I would be painting and drawing for between 15 minutes and 60 minutes, I get a black screen, everything stops, and then Windows crashes and restarts.

I wonder if there is anything I can do to solve this problem.

Stefano Bonicatti
KDE Developer

Unless you did it already, i suggest you use the Nvidia card for Krita OpenGL canvas since Intel drivers for Windows are a bit broken right now and the workaround for that is only present in Krita 3.0 and on.
If you don't know how to do that you have to access to your Nvidia control panel, go to Manage 3D settings, select the Program settings tab on the top, then click Add and add krita.exe program.
Then select High-performance NVIDIA processor as the preferred graphic processor, Apply and then relaunch Krita.
It should be faster and hopefully solve your issues; if it doesn't try to disable OpenGL entirely and see if it's workable for you like that, otherwise you would have to try Krita 3, just keep in mind that is still a prealpha, but it does have many new features.

PS: Rereading, i got now that Windows crashes, so this is either definitely a driver issue (or your laptop overheating, but less likely).
Registered Member
Stefano Bonicatti wrote:Welcome!

Unless you did it already, i suggest you use the Nvidia card for Krita OpenGL canvas since Intel drivers for Windows are a bit broken right now and the workaround for that is only present in Krita 3.0 and on.
If you don't know how to do that you have to access to your Nvidia control panel, go to Manage 3D settings, select the Program settings tab on the top, then click Add and add krita.exe program.
Then select High-performance NVIDIA processor as the preferred graphic processor, Apply and then relaunch Krita.
It should be faster and hopefully solve your issues; if it doesn't try to disable OpenGL entirely and see if it's workable for you like that, otherwise you would have to try Krita 3, just keep in mind that is still a prealpha, but it does have many new features.

PS: Rereading, i got now that Windows crashes, so this is either definitely a driver issue (or your laptop overheating, but less likely).


Thanks for the quick reply!

I did the high-performance processor thing you mentioned, and I am currently updating the graphics driver to the latest version, and I will give it a try, and will get back to you if the same problem happens again..

Thanks! :)


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