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Rotating/scaling the view without clicking?

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I'm new to Krita, and after a few tutorials, I am very impressed by its countless features.

There is however a small usability issue for me. I've come to Krita from MyPaint, which has far fewer features, but excellent navigation: one can rotate the canvas simply by holding Shift + Space, then moving the mouse or stylus. The key combination for scaling is Ctrl + Space.

Krita is very similar, but requires a mouse click in addition to holding the keys.

I've gone into the Canvas Input Settings, and tried adding a new input entry. The following image pertains to rotation settings:


This input, unfortunately, does not work, even when the original "Shift + Space + Left Button" input is deleted. I suspect this is because Ctrl and Shift are only considered modifiers and therefore aren't sufficient to execute any actions.

Is it possible to somehow rotate or scale the canvas using only keyboard input and mouse movement?

Thank you.


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