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3.0 brush save Issues with brush creation

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Billy W.
Registered Member
There has been a few mentions already about brush saving with the favorites. But this issue may or may not fit in that category so Im making a thread for this issue and including a screen shot to better demonstrate this. This is a two part issue.

1) The first issue is as follows. I ran into a situation where I made multiple brushes from a primary brush. With the intention of make a whole new set of brushes. Each was made with its own file. Though the files where their own any changes made altered not just the brush but the others as well this happened both with the save tweeks on and off. it appeared to be random. Sometimes the brushes stay normal other times it makes changes to other files.

2) The second issue is that 3.0 alpha as adds redundant brush saves to the preset list. This results in clutter and a difficult time in locating which one is the original, add issue number one to this.. since the redundant saves from time to time get altered as well.. makes locating brushes a chore. This is what my current list looks like atm. These saves seem to be happening with updating a file and saving it as a default. I make a lot of tweeks and save the brush in that state while im making a new brush.

The blue circles are the original brushes or are at least supposed to be.. the red X's are the redundent presets.

I wasn't quite shure where to locate the official bug for this specific bugi is since this is more recent. 2.9 didn't have this issue. So im posting it here. Any link leading to the bug list that specifically addresses this would be greatly appreciated.
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KDE Developer
This has already been fixed in master(that is, code newer than the one n the release): ... a851d883bd

Next time could you just make a bugreport? We lose track of bugs very quickly if they are anywhere but the bugtracker.

The file thing is intentional, Krita 2.9 also made it's own file for each save, and this is to allow people to recover previous presets if necessary. Using 'delete backup files' in the resource manager clears them, but it does require the blacklists to work, which was bugged out. For now just manually delete them. Edit: Or are you saying it edits other files as well? Because that shouldn't be possible.
Billy W.
Registered Member
Cool cool.. thank you. :)

And yeah if find anything new ill post it in the bug report
Billy W.
Registered Member
Well it does mess with other files it seems like it will mess with the ones that are related on the original brush so say like i make a new brush from and existing one. A good example I made a brush that was a block it was called 01 Pencil block .. i made some standard round brushes that where based off that brush but had their own file save.. when I came back to the block brush it now had a round tip. I cant remember if the save tweeks preset was on or not..


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