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Since last Saturday I have been trying to make a cross-compile of Krita for Windows -- that is, build on Linux for Windows. This uses a different compiler, one that has less trouble with G'Mic.
Here's the first result: http://valdyas.org/~boud/krita-3.0-Alph ... 82-x64.zip Yes, it's bigger than the MSVC zip file, this contains debug information. It's post 3.0 alpha 1, which means more bug fixes and maybe regressions. But the main thing is, it's a different compiler. It might be faster, slower, the same, might have bugs in other places, less bugs in some places (like g'mic), it might work with a different set of tablets... So, please test and post your findings in this thread. If it looks good, I'll also make 32 bits builds. Oh... And chances are, this might even start on Vista or older versions of Windows. |
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Gmi'c seems to work ok. There are some tiny problems:
http://i.imgur.com/nnpgCiW.jpg -brush preview is stuck at last pen point where it was lifted from tablet surface. So brush preview dosen't follow stlus movement, when I hoover it over tablet surface (wacom intuos ) - some icons are missing. Performance seems ok. |
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Which of those issues are different from the 3.0 Alpha?
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Both of these work in official alpha (krita-2.99.89).
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Hi Boud,
Just installed on Windows 7 (64 bit) the new build (version 3 alpha - git 236382) by way of the portable zip version. Here are some first reports: - the icon (zoom) that is the one alongside the pan tool is not visible in the main GUI even though you can click on its button and everything works (zoom into the image). This same icon is instead available with the 3 alpha version (git 1f5cdac) - portable zip version. - as regards the G'MIC back-end it lacks both the icons to zoom-in and zoom-out (the ones under the preview window). These 2 icons are available with the 3 alpha version (git 1f5cdac) - portable zip version. Most importantly, with today's newest build (git 236382) all "interactive" filters do not work (tested on the same jpeg image). In short, as soon as you click on apply the same error always shows up: I have tested: - Colorize interactive (Sorry! G'Mic failed, reason:*** Error in ./gimp_colorize_interactive/*if/*repeat/*substitute/ *** Command '-x_colorize': No display available.); - Curve interactive (Sorry! G'Mic failed, reason:*** Error in ./gimp_curves_interactive/*if/ *** Command '-x_color_curves': No display available.); - Extract foreground (Sorry! G'Mic failed, reason:*** Error in ./gimp_extract_foreground/*repeat/*local/*substitute/ *** Command '-x_segment': No display available.). These same 3 filters work fine with the different build version ( git 236382 ). No error whatsoever when you click on Apply to fine-tune these 3 filters on your image. I have tried many more G'MIC filters and they work fine in terms of speed when you compare the 2 builds (git 236382 vs git 1f5cdac). In essence, I did not notice any difference between these 2 builds when I had applied the same working G'MIC filter on the same jpeg image.
Last edited by Silvio Grosso on Fri Apr 15, 2016 8:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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That sounds like... G'Mic isn't setup for cross-compiling. I build on Linux, for Windows. If G'Mic sees it's built on Linux, then it might not check that it is being built for Windows, so it thinks it needs to build in the X11 code... I need to ask David about that.
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No noticeable performance issues. As others pointed out the cursor showing the brush outline is sticking to the end of the previous stroke until the tablet pen is re pressured.
The blacklist bug fix is working like a charm and remedied another brush issue I was a bit concerned about that krita was having..saving over other brushes that where related to the created brush even though they had different names they where behaving a bit as if they were mirroring each other. I held off on reporting this since I had a hunch it was related to the brush bug in general. The fix on this build has remedied the issue so it's now working as intended with no known issues. Outside of some missing icons and the cursor issue the program is feeling pretty solid. I don't know to much about gmic to have an opinion on it since I haven't really used it yet so I wouldn't know what to compare it to if it was acting buggy. |
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After a quick test, I've picked up on the following:
1. As well as the aforementioned missing icons, most of the icons are missing in the Preferences panel and the Configure Toolbars panel (which otherwise looks to be fixed now, as it is displaying all the actions), and probably other places where icons reside. 2. The squashed Image Size fields bug is fixed https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=360541#c9 , however the toolbox icon sizes remain small and additionally it's not possible to access the icon size menu. 3. Yesterday I was pleasantly surprised to find that the eraser on my Surface Pro 4 pen was working in 3.0 alpha 1, but in this build it's back to drawing with the current brush. 4. The stroke glitch bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=359171, which was almost eliminated in 3.0 alpha 1, has returned to full force (and I now see you've already discovered this so forget I mentioned it ![]() (c:
Last edited by Chris Jones on Sat Apr 16, 2016 11:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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http://valdyas.org/~boud/krita-master-44fb938-x64.zip is a new build: g'mic interactive colorize works with it.
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Hi Boud,
Just installed today's build (44fb938) on: - Windows 7 (64 bit); - CPU: Intel I7; - RAM: 8 gb; - GPU: Nvidia geforce gt 540M (driver 353.84). I have quickly "tested" all G'MIC filters (tiny window as preview) by simply clicking on them. Only 3 filters do not work right away when you click on them (the error is "Underfined or Invalid argument...etc "): - Simple local constrast; - Half tone shapes; - 3d Video conversions. In the past, it was very common to find some different G'MIC filters with similar errors ("Underfined - invalid arguments..."). However, today I have also tested them with GIMP 2.8.16 (G'MIC 1.7.0) and all 3 behave well with the same jpeg image. At present, the interactive filters work fine (Curve, Colorize, extract foreground) ![]() No error whatsoever when you click apply to run them on your image. Both today and yesterday's builds do not work with my Nvidia Graphic card (my driver 353.84 is a bit old) with OpenGL ON. The cursor disappears on the canvas and the strokes are applied with a very very long delay (tested many brushes). To test this option I have tried to draw some lines with my mouse (NO tablet inserted , that is). With OpenGL OFF everything works as expected (my cursor is visible on the canvas and there are no delays when I draw some lines). This being said, these past months the OpenGL feature has never worked on my computer. Therefore, these last builds are not the real culprits ![]() |
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Not really a dev but I also did a mingw build. What's different from Boud's build is that this is built on Windows with TDM64-GCC 5.1.0. The building and packaging process is a bit different from what Boud has been doing, so the behaviour might also be different in some way. If possible please test it out alongside with Boud's builds.
krita-3.0-alpha-master-6f2456c-x64_tdm-gcc-5.1-stripped_2016-04-17_0003HKT.7z https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1i7Q ... 1VGWUtsQmM And if you're paranoid, here's the MD5 hash: f2a93c7a41d2d677d95c2aa83db2a3f6 All the binaries are stripped and should contain no debug information. There might be some unused DLLs though. |
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This build has a patched Qt, and now the lines are as smooth as with the MSVC build: http://www.valdyas.org/~boud/krita-mast ... 18-x64.zip
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Hello Alvin,
THANKS a lot for your build. I have just installed it on Windows 7 (64 bit) and played on it for around 30 minutes. First off, as you explained, its size, once unzipped, is much smaller (only 255 Mb) than the one created by Boud which is 556 Mb. I suppose this is also due to the debugging tools missing... In the Bin folder the krita.exe, to launch the application, has its classical Krita icon available. Later on, when you decide to create its link on your desktop it is available as well (on the contrary Boud's build has a generic icon to launch the application). Unfortunately, I got no preview (thumbnails) with Alvin's build regarding my .KRA multi-layers files. The same occurs with Boud's builds (but this was expected). A big improvement about Alvin's build concerns the icons, which are all visible in the GUI. For instance, if you click on Settings > Configure Krita, afterwards, you have all icons available (General icon, Keyboard Shortcuts icon and so on) ![]() Comparing the major bugs, as expected, they are present in both builds: - Text tool sucks... - With my Nvidia graphic cards both builds do not work with the OpenGL option activated (the cursor disappears and every brush is extremely slow). - G'MIC filters are slightly more buggy on your build as regards the Interactive ones (Curve interactive, Colorize interactive, Extract foreground) which all fail to work. Conversely, in today's build by Boud, this glitch is fixed. As regards speed, I did not notice any difference between your Build and Boud's. I have tested both of them with the same jpeg image and their response looked very similar. |
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Yes, my builds are all debug builds. I'm still not sure why icons and languages are missing since they are in the zip file and in the right place. I've pushed an update to the krita git repo that should fix the gmic issues -- I had a local hack to test whether setting some options made it work. All tools should be present now, too.
http://valdyas.org/~boud/krita-master-53d8d95-x64.zip So what I still need to do: * fix languages * fix icons * add a strip stage to the package script to get rid of the debug build bulk What people building Krita need to keep in mind is that Qt needs to be patched. The patch is in the 3rdparty/xt_qt directory. Several of the fixes Chris noticed don't have anything to do with the particular compiler -- those are bug fixes I made over the week, on the train to and from work ![]() |
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