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some layers are about quarter of their original size

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I'm lucky I save multiple backups, and that the layers affected weren't important but this is very concerning. Krita crashed (using the zip provided in the later Krita news update) and I opened my save to find that some of my layers were smaller than their actual size.

It's happened before, on a previous build about two days ago, but I forgot about it and I have to apologize that I didn't realize it was a serious issue, because the previous file was only a doodle. So now I don't remember what build it was I was using, because I was playing around with some of Boud's builds on the forum.

None of my other little issues (switch lag still present but bearable, shortcuts still not saving and not allowing me to override some defaults) were as scary as what happened today. Anyway I can't figure out how to add thumbs, but here's a picture:

I think it may have something to do with LoD because earlier I opened another one of my doodles and for a few seconds it seemed to show a much lower resolution version of the image before popping back (toggled the layers on and off to check and stuff)... Even if it's not related, it might be useful to know... If there's any more info I can provide please let me know because losing data is probably the worst thing to happen, especially if there are no backups. As it is now, I had to go back 2 incremental saves to find the original sized layers. And lucky for me that I am not using those layers. Thanks for reading, and I'm sorry if I missed anything, I just have to type quickly because it's 2am and I'm very tired.
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KDE Developer

We're not sure what is going on, beyond that maybe instant preview cache/lod is being saved instead of the real deal. Which is really weird, because tjose two are supossed to be fully separate.
Registered Member
Oh, DUMB, forgot to check the bugtracker in my panic... Hope it gets resolved soon!


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