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Surface Pro 3 - Menus not working

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Surface Pro 3 - Menus not working

Sat May 07, 2016 12:26 am
I've been haphazardly using Krita on my Surface Pro 3 for a while now, and it's never been perfect, but 3.0 seemed to make a big difference in pen-tablet functionality for my SP3. Then I ran into an issue that I'm completely confused about. The drop-down menus no longer respond at all to pen, touch, or mouse. They actually do until I open a canvas. When starting, I open Krita, click the File menu and select New, create a canvas, and then... nothing.

I go back to 2.(whateverihad), and don't get this issue, but I'd much rather use 3.0. I obviously can't if this is happening, so, here's hoping for some help!

Edit: Putting this in edit so I don't bump the thread, but it has been solved by exited fullscreen mode.

Last edited by Talidan on Sat May 14, 2016 6:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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KDE Developer
Check whether Krita is in full-screen mode. If so, leave full-screen mode. It's a bug in Qt, I'm afraid, where menus don't get painted anymore if the canvas is in opengl mode and the application full-screen. I haven't been able to figure out what is going on exactly, though.


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