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Wacom Airbrush Tool?

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Wacom Airbrush Tool?

Tue May 10, 2016 3:12 pm
Hello all,

I just recently purchased a used Cintiq 13HD that came with an extra Airbrush Pen and wanted to know how to set it up. In Wacom Settings, it doesn't even appear like the wheel on the Airbrush tool is being picked up.
I found one post that supposedly helped set up the Airbrush pen in Krita, but I couldn't seem to follow the directions as I couldn't find the settings they were talking about.

Anyone have a clue on how to set up the pen or if it's even supported in Krita at all? If not I can always try it out in GIMP I suppose. I just thought it would be really cool for shading with the Airbrush pen instead of the standard Grip. Not going to lie, though, I've basically dabbled in digital, pencil, and marker my whole life and don't know at all how to even hold an Airbrush pen let alone how it's supposed to be used...

Also, is the Wacom Art Pen supported? I'm going to buy that one next I think to complete the set.

I'm a huge fan of GIMP and an even bigger fan of Krita! Thanks for any insight :)
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Re: Wacom Airbrush Tool?

Tue May 10, 2016 3:18 pm
The art pen works: we have two, so we can test with that. The airbrush should work, but we don't have the hardware, so we cannot test with it...


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