Registered Member
Krita 4.0 (both beta, nightly) seem to hardly handle applying some filters to a large image on my computer. Color to alpha, Gradient maps etc. If the image is larger than around 3k, 4.0 freezes or crashes.
The weird part is that krita 3.3.3 does a fine job. I wonder if anyone experiences performance difference of filter between krita 3.n and 4.0. Thanks. |
KDE Developer
No, I haven't seen any difference. Could you make a crash log? See
Registered Member
No, I couldn't find the backtrace. (Apparently it wasn't a crash, sorry.) But It has overall slowness of filters compared to 3.n and freezes especially with gradient map and color to alpha. I just tried again and waited for around 2 minutes to apply color to alpha filter to a 3k x 4k image and it eventually completed. 3.3.3 took 2 seconds. I really don't know what's the source of it. Any newly added settings that might affect the filter performance? :q
Last edited by tayloryoung on Tue Feb 13, 2018 7:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
KDE Developer
Hm... the only change in color to alpha is this really computer sciency one: ... 0c56e92b7d
(Basically, the way how we tell Krita to check each pixel is written differently, but it is rare a change like this can cause a crash) |
Registered Member
Ok, Maybe I can check again when the 4.0 is released. Until then apparently I have to sitck with 3.3.3. It's impossible to use as it is... |
Registered Member
Basic filters like HSV adjustment still work, but they're much slower than 3.n versions as well. I'm not sure if it's relevant, but turning on instant preview speedup the filter quite a bit. Although it's still extremely slow compared to 3.n. (* But even with instant preview, same freeze occurs when you 'undo' applying filters like gradient maps and color to alpha (which I guess probably require huge calculations...)) |
KDE Developer
Can I tempt you to make an official bugreport for this at, with a link to this thread? Then we can track it, and you will be notified when we've found/solved the culprit
KDE Developer
Yes, we'd need a bug report. If you find that Undo is slow, then that's really "interesting" because that just puts back the old pixels, it doesn't filter...
Registered Member
Registered Member
It is fixed now. Can't say how thankful I am. Keep up the good work!! |
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