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(FIXED!) Krita Scaling Issues (Win10, Surface Book 2, 4.2.2)

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Here is a fix for my problems described below:
Setting krita.exe's Properties -> Compatibility -> Change High DPI Settings -> "Use this setting to fix scaling... DPI when I signed in to Windows" toggled on, allows Krita to ignore Window's overall scaling. I can then use Hi-DPI support within Krita as intended.

Hello there-

I've just gotten a Microsoft Surface Book 2 and was looking to learn Krita. However, I have issues with the UI scaling to be too large & not fitting on my screen.

Krita will only display at a normal / workable size if I have Windows Scaling off (set to 100%). This is true irrespective of if Hi-DPI Support is on or off.

However, I set Windows Scaling to 200% as all other applications are too tiny without it (it is a 3000x2000 screen!). When I do this, Krita's UI becomes huge, and certain windowed menus (such as Configure Krita) will not fit on the screen. Turning Hi-DPI Support on or off seems to have no effect on this. [Screenshots 1+2]

I have also tried editing krita.exe's Properties -> Change high DPI settings -> Override high DPI scaling behavior. If I set this to 'Application' or 'System', nothing changes. If I set this to 'System (Enhanced)', an odd bug happens: Krita will appear in a small rectangle, still with the too-big UI scale, with the rest of the screen being just white. [Screenshot 3] If I open a windowed menu like Configure Krita, the main window's UI will suddenly start being rendered with proper scaling- but only within the tiny rectangle.

Does anybody know what settings I need to use in order to have Krita be at a normal size without disabling my 200% scaling in Windows, or is this bugged behavior? Thanks!


Last edited by WildPainted on Mon Jul 15, 2019 5:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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KDE Developer
Well, obviously your problem is the converse of ... dpi-screen, so maybe try to switch that off?
Registered Member
Thanks for the reply boudewijn.

Turning Windows scaling to 100% does fix it as I mentioned, but then the rest of the OS & my apps become far too tiny. It isn't convenient to turn it on/off each time I use Krita.

I did find a work around, however. Setting krita.exe's Properties -> Compatibility -> Change High DPI Settings -> "Use this setting to fix scaling... DPI when I signed in to Windows" toggled on, allows Krita to ignore Window's overall scaling. I can then use Hi-DPI support within Krita as intended.

The other behaviors in trying to discover this setting were a bit weird, but that's probably a fault of how Win10 handles things more than anything!


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