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Krita freezes when using Wacom tablet

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I have the latest version of the drivers on my Wacom Intuos Pro and downloaded the latest version of Krita as well. My OS is Windows 10 and my PC is more than beefy enough to handle any of these programs and more.

The issue is I'll open Krita and I'll be able to use my mouse and everything on it but as soon as I touch the tablet with my pen Krita freezes and I have to kill it with the task manager. Everything else on my PC works fine, it's only Krita that freezes.
Registered Member
Have you used krita before with no problems or is this the first time you've tried installing and using it?

Can you try the following: Using the mouse, do Settings -> Configure Krita -> Tablet Settings page, then click the 'Open Tablet Tester' button/bar to open the small Tablet Tester window. Drag that window to the top left of your screen then click-drag the bottom right corner of it to drag it out to make it fill your screen for convenient use and reading. Using your mouse, draw a short line on the grid area and note the events log on the right hand side. It will probably be 'reasonable and believable'. (You'll know what I mean when you read it.)

Then, (you can clear the events log if you like with the Clear button) do the same again but using the stylus on the tablet. What happens?

In the Wacom Control/Settings utility application, you can set up specific profiles for use with different applications and the Wacom driver will know which application is in use and adjust itself accordingly. It's been noted before that some problems can be fixed by setting up a krita profile in the Wacom utility. You don't have to do anything specific with the krita profile, just set it up, so you could try that to see if it helps.


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