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Set Pilot Point as same position as the previous frame

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Hi guys,
1. I'm trying to set up an animation series for a video game. It required me move the character's motion a lot but setting pilot point over and over again is a bit of time-wasting. It took more than 30% workflow. Can I request this as a feature? I appreciate it.
2. I tried to render animation but it the final product didn't come out as expected. It's size is 0KB. Nothing is exported. I am already downloaded ffmpeg-4.2.1 and tried my best searching on the Internet but that wasn't enough to fix my problem.
Thanks for reading my post

However, Krita is the best software I have ever spend time with.
Registered Member
re.1. I don't know what you mean by 'pilot point' so can you explain that in more detail, perhaps with references to online explanations and examples, etc.

re.2 Did you get FFmpeg from and download the 4.2.1 Windows 64-bit static build?
Did you unzip it and put the folder in a place that you have user access rights to?
Did you Export as Video?
Did you enter the file location of the ffmpeg.exe file in the 'FFMpeg' line of the krita Render Animation window?
Did you Render as MPEG-4 video? At the end of that line, did you press the ... button and set the options as 23, medium, baseline?
Did you set the Video Location to a destination folder that you have user rights to write to?
While it was rendering, did you see intermediate .png files being produced in the destination folder?
Was a log_encode.log file produced in the destination folder? If so, does it have any informative error messages?
Registered Member
ahabgreybeard wrote:re.1. I don't know what you mean by 'pilot point' so can you explain that in more detail, perhaps with references to online explanations and examples, etc.

re.2 Did you get FFmpeg from and download the 4.2.1 Windows 64-bit static build?
Did you unzip it and put the folder in a place that you have user access rights to?
Did you Export as Video?
Did you enter the file location of the ffmpeg.exe file in the 'FFMpeg' line of the krita Render Animation window?
Did you Render as MPEG-4 video? At the end of that line, did you press the ... button and set the options as 23, medium, baseline?
Did you set the Video Location to a destination folder that you have user rights to write to?
While it was rendering, did you see intermediate .png files being produced in the destination folder?
Was a log_encode.log file produced in the destination folder? If so, does it have any informative error messages?

I'm sorry It's Pivot Point.

re.2 I did, I followed every steps on youtube and did exactly what you just list
Registered Member
I forgot to ask: Which version of krita are you using?

re.1 If you want to request a feature, it's a good idea to discuss it first in the Krita Development forum: viewforum.php?f=288 where you can describe your workflow, your requirements, show some screenshots and maybe some screen mockups, etc.

re.2 Did you see intermediate .png frame files being produced?
Was there a log_encode.log file produced?
Can you provide a Dropbox or similar service link to the .kra file which is giving you rendering problems?


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