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Krita on Windows 10 performance with limited RAM?

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Hi, best wishes for the new year.

I'm trying Krita on Windows 10 (newly installed) ... I was wondering if it possible to do any decent work (at least A3 size canvas) with limited amount of RAM ... total RAM 8gig(actually 7.9 available ... with about I'd say safely 4,5gig free to use with Krita without any other apps open ... would Krita manage decnetly on WIndows 10 with that limitation?
Running Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00GHz, 2001 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s).

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KDE Developer
A3 doesn't really specify a size -- the number of pixels depends on the resolution of the image. For A3 at 300 dpi, a single paint layer will take 65MB of ram, so that's not too bad, but then it depends on how many layers you're going to use.

Krita tells you this when you create an image, and tells you when life starts getting dangerous by coloring the memory consumption widget in the statusbar red.

But 8GB of ram is kinda okay, it's what many of us work with. My personal laptop has that amount of memory as well and I use it to paint on.

Oh -- and best wishes to you, too!
Registered Member
halla wrote:A3 doesn't really specify a size -- the number of pixels depends on the resolution of the image. For A3 at 300 dpi, a single paint layer will take 65MB of ram, so that's not too bad, but then it depends on how many layers you're going to use.

Krita tells you this when you create an image, and tells you when life starts getting dangerous by coloring the memory consumption widget in the statusbar red.

But 8GB of ram is kinda okay, it's what many of us work with. My personal laptop has that amount of memory as well and I use it to paint on.

Oh -- and best wishes to you, too!

Hi , thanks.
Yes my bad ... i said A3 assuming 300dpi standard, but i should have specified.
As mentioned, the total is 8gig supposed to be, but only see about 4.5 to maybe 5 free for Krita ... but good to know others work in that area of RAM.
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With the 2.00GHz processor; you'll have issues with using large brushes and color-smudge brushes on A3@300dpi for sure... You'll need to start your document at half (or third) size of the final target and then increment the size (scale up the canvas) as you reduce the size of your brushes to go on details. (that's was common workflow from 1995 to 2005 on digital painting due to limitation of hardware). The option View > Instant Preview Mode might help you to get quicker brush stroke (but real computation of the stroke at full res will be done in background, might be still very intensive). You'll probably find brush presets that are quicker for your device too. Good luck!

Registered Member
Deevad wrote:With the 2.00GHz processor; you'll have issues with using large brushes and color-smudge brushes on A3@300dpi for sure... You'll need to start your document at half (or third) size of the final target and then increment the size (scale up the canvas) as you reduce the size of your brushes to go on details. (that's was common workflow from 1995 to 2005 on digital painting due to limitation of hardware). The option View > Instant Preview Mode might help you to get quicker brush stroke (but real computation of the stroke at full res will be done in background, might be still very intensive). You'll probably find brush presets that are quicker for your device too. Good luck!

Thanks for your feedback and info, good to know and will keep in mind.
I wonder if there's any way to tweak the processor to do better ...


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