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Request for plasma-nm icon

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Re: Request for plasma-nm icon

Sun Jul 06, 2014 8:07 pm
Hmm, this icon is unfortunately useless, because Plasma widget explorer requires PNG icons and I also don't think that this one would fit between the rest of icons there. Thanks anyway.
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Re: Request for plasma-nm icon

Sun Jul 06, 2014 9:49 pm
Ok so I have to admit that I have no idea what exactly the issue is.

The icon need to be a PNG 24x24? I thought the main idea was that they shouldn't be PNG's? Further if the issue is that the lines are pixelated at that size and in that fileformat - we can't use that anyway.
Then if the icon aesthetically doesn't fit your needs do you have a chance to give us some feedback what exactly it is that doesn't work with the suggested one?

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Re: Request for plasma-nm icon

Mon Jul 07, 2014 1:15 am
jgrulich wrote:Hmm, this icon is unfortunately useless, because Plasma widget explorer requires PNG icons and I also don't think that this one would fit between the rest of icons there. Thanks anyway.

Well, creating a PNG out of the SVG shouldn't be much of a problem.
Regarding the "it doesn't fit": Currently the Plasmoid icons are all still Oxygen. Uri, however, is in charge of creating the new icon style, which looks completely different than Oxygen.
That means that during the transition from Oxygen to the Breeze icon theme, things won't look consistent. This is unavoidable since we can't redo all Oxygen icons at once. So unfortunately you (as well as everyone else who'll have an icon created from now on) will have to live with an icon that's inconsistent to the rest for now, but we can promise you that one after another, the other Plasmoid and application icons will be replaced by those in the Breeze style. Yours is just the first ;)
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Re: Request for plasma-nm icon

Mon Jul 07, 2014 7:23 am
jensreuterberg wrote:Ok so I have to admit that I have no idea what exactly the issue is.

The icon need to be a PNG 24x24? I thought the main idea was that they shouldn't be PNG's? Further if the issue is that the lines are pixelated at that size and in that fileformat - we can't use that anyway.
Then if the icon aesthetically doesn't fit your needs do you have a chance to give us some feedback what exactly it is that doesn't work with the suggested one?

The icon needs to be in PNG, because the widget explorer doesn't work with svg icons and also kickoff would need a PNG icon. Size should be probably from the smallest one up to the biggest one, but this shouldn't be a problem. I have no idea why the lines are pixelated, when I use default icons from Breeze theme then they are perfect, but this thread is not about icons used in the applet (I also hope that they won't be changed).

Regarding the "it doesn't fit", Thomas is probably right, I'm fine with using an icon which doesn't fit for now. It's better to have something than nothing :)
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Re: Request for plasma-nm icon

Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:58 am
Thanks for explaining! Both you and Thomas, Jan.

Like Thomas said the icons will go through a short time of "Whatta?" because things need to be replaced one by one and considering how MASSIVE Oxygen theme is this is more akin to a long march than a quick sprint :)

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