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Breeze Polish for 5.5

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Re: Breeze Polish for 5.5

Thu Mar 24, 2016 1:20 pm
Hi guys,

I don't know if this is the right topic to post this,

I use krita on plasma 5 desktop and one thing I have noticed is that the icons in save dialog box in krita are not adjusted according to the theme that krita uses.
Krita by default uses dark theme , while my desktop theme is light the save dialog box icon are breeze and not the ones for dark themes. The icons are barely visible.
It would be nice if the icons adjusted according to the theme of the application

To be more clear about the issue please check the screenshot below


I wanted to file a bug bug report for this, but first I wanted to know if this is a Breeze issue or Krita issue

thank you

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Re: Breeze Polish for 5.5

Fri Mar 25, 2016 9:26 am
Hi kamathraghavendra,

it's not that easy it's no breez icon and no krita issue but there is a way to fix this.

1. Krita (and Digikam and Qwenview)
can use an app specific color theme. So if the user or the app switch to a dark color theme the icons need also be changed to the breeze-dark icons. The problem ist when you use kirta in dark mode and everything else in light the icons look in krita or everywhere else broken.

2. the solution
the solution would be that when the app switch to a dark theme the icon set will also switch to the dark theme.

Therefore you have to posibilities:
- the plasma way
plasma (in 5.6) can change the colors from the svg icons by themself cause most (all) icons use stylesheets so plasma can switch the colors of the icon. This is (for now) only available for plasma and not for KDE Applications it would be awesome if this would be possible for KDE Applications too.

- switch color scheme and icon theme
when the app say I'd like to use a dark theme than the app switch the color scheme AND the icon theme from breeze to breeze-dark.

hope I can help you. Please fill a bug report and descripe how it can be handelt.
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Re: Breeze Polish for 5.5

Mon Mar 28, 2016 3:12 pm
1. I think the window resizing animation is very irritating, you can clearly see that it takes an image of the current state and stretches it, It's supposed to look smooth but looks very irritating as if I had double vision

Edit: ok one bug is already fixed

Edit: damn, it was only coincidence that it worked at that time, so here we go again: If you have multiple windows stacked in the task manager and you try to close one of the windows via the tooltip, the whole tooltip dialog disappears, which is very annoying when you try to delete multiple instances of an app this way

Last edited by Blingy on Tue Mar 29, 2016 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Breeze Polish for 5.5

Tue Mar 29, 2016 4:34 pm
Also I'd like to suggest a "new" Theme (I used Gimp for the mock up)

Basically it's the Breeze Theme with Dark Breeze's Panel, Breeze is too bright and Breeze Dark too dark in my opinion

Breeze Darker:
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Re: Breeze Polish for 5.5

Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:14 am
Hi andreas_k

thanks for the reply,

I think the application switching the icon according to the theme is good, i don't know how much effort it will take, but I think it will make it more easier to switch icons on non plasma platforms.

I'll try to file a bug report in krita for now.

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Re: Breeze Polish for 5.5

Thu Jun 09, 2016 8:07 pm
Blingy wrote:Also I'd like to suggest a "new" Theme (I used Gimp for the mock up)

Basically it's the Breeze Theme with Dark Breeze's Panel, Breeze is too bright and Breeze Dark too dark in my opinion

Breeze Darker:

This was possible to do, actually. With the built-in theme editor that got removed in 5.6...
In fact, that's the customization I'm using at the moment.


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