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Br-Print3D new GUI, needing some guidance

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Me and my partners are working in this new GUI for Br-Print3D.
And I'm thinking is a little bit confused?
i will explain what I need, and put here the ideia so far.
6 buttons:
Open File(Gcode or STL)
Connect(To connect the 3Dprinter)
(to control the printer) Play, Pause, Stop, Emergency Stop
This buttons need to stay in a place with easy access by the user.

4 Menus
Filament Commands -> Extrude and Retract Fill
Extruder Commands -> Home all Axis, home only X or Y or Z, start heat, auto-leveling(if exists)
Extruder Data -> Temperatures (Need for the print job, and max temp for safety), flow rate of fill, cooler fan velocity, printer speed.
Bed Commands -> Start Heat
Bed Data-> Temperatures (Need for the print job, and max temp for safety)
Connection Settings -> Manage data for 3dprinter connection like: port, size of buffering, if the printer needs to be reset when connect...

*In my ideia, i though that extruder commands and data, and bed command and data could be in one place, but if someone have a good idea to make them separeted, whe can discuss.

Gcode -> I need to load a plain text with some data that the use can edit if they want. So it here that i'm stuck, cause i dont know how do it on a good way.

Slicer-> Future feature, that the user can load one or more stl files and send to a extern slicer to create the gcode file, the user needs to fill some info to send to slicer, and a button to start and stop the slicing.

Monitoring Temperatures-> the user need to see all the time the bed and extruder temperatures.

3DView-> Where the user can see the gcode file or STL files.

-The user can manage 1 to 6 extruders if they printer has this many of extruders. So if they select 2 or more, we will need to be capable to manage each one.

This is the ideia until now. Im thinking that the extruder and bed heating could be an action on the itens on actual temperatures?

And, about Gcode and Slicer Options, i dont know if is better load a popup window, or open a tab on the side. And another ideia was substitute the 3dview to show the gcode data when the button is clicked, and when disable, show again the 3dview.

I hope my explanation isnt too confusing.
Waiting for your reviews.
Thanks =D
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can you link to the picture file cause it's a little bit to small that I can read everything.
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andreas_k wrote:can you link to the picture file cause it's a little bit to small that I can read everything.

Link on Drive: ... sp=sharing
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What are the features of Br-Print3d

1. open gcode and show the 3d view (yes/no)
2. define material parameters maximum temperature, ... (yes/no)
3. Print the 3D element with the printer (yes/no)
something I forget

I would add different view's

3d View for open and editing
here you have an toolbar with open, save, axes views, .. show source code, start printing
in an sidebar (right side) you have the different things like material, maximum temperature, ... I'm not sure what Br-Print3D can do

printer view when the print job is started
abouve the 3d view you get the printer view when the print job is started you have than in the sidebar the control elements and in the toolbar pause, stop emergency break

please define what Br-Print3D should used for what are the szenarios, what are the features you would like to support (also for the future), ...
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andreas_k wrote:What are the features of Br-Print3d

1. open gcode and show the 3d view (yes/no)
2. define material parameters maximum temperature, ... (yes/no)
3. Print the 3D element with the printer (yes/no)
4. open STL one or more, render on 3dview, slice then
5. Maybe save the current settings to use in the future

please define what Br-Print3D should used for what are the scenarios, what are the features you would like to support (also for the future), ...

For the future I have in mind:
-Be capable to manage until three 3dprinter with one instance of BrPrint
-Be capable to embedded the BrPrint in a raspPi2 with a touch screen, to the user dont need use a desktop/note like host

I will discuss with my partner this ideas that you shared. Because he is the designer of this new GUI. But i liked what did you said.


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