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Task Manager small pinned task entries

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When you only have a view task (programms/windows) running, each task has an entry with the application icon and title. When you open more and more tasks and the task bar is full, the entrys switch to icon only.

I normally have at least 4 firefox windows open (developer tools, inspectors ...) and most of the time a chrome window with dev tools ... . In the icon only display one pretty much has to guess witch window is witch entry in the task bar. Most of the time i click on the wrong icon first ;-)

On the other hand there are some applications I "never" have 2 windows open, eg amarok, krdc, kdevelop, ... . I actually would not need an entry for those with icon and title, even if there is a lot of space available.

Id would be great if I could tell the task manager to display amarok, krdc, kdevelop, ... always icon only to save space in the task bar. Similar to pinned tabs in firefox ... e-app-tabs
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good point. I had the problem with grouped apps. I don't like them cause I need an additional click and I don't know which one I should select.

but yes it would be nice if you can pin apps which are running this would "solve" also the problem that apps use the system tray to "pin" apps.
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I think this is a good idea. Two possible solutions:

1. Per application: You can select apps you only want to see as icon (more complicated to code)
2. Automated: Give the option to show icon only as long as there is only one task open of the app and switch to non-icon mode as soon as you have two tasks of the same app. (less complicated).

Would the second option be enough?

EDIT: Since we discussed it in IRC I think now the first option (your proposal) is better. Needs a config category to hold all applications with activated icon only mode.


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