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KDE tools need menu consistency, (please)

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Very happy with KDE and tools, except...

that each tool places menu sub-items in a different order!

for example, if I select Edit, Copy in one product it may be at the end of the list, and
in another product it may be in the beginning of the list, and
in another hidden in the middle!

this is inefficient,
and bad from the user experience.

I am <certain> there are usability guidelines and wonder why they are not enforced?

As a hint, I use copy and paste the most often and would like to see these as the first 2 sub items. Consistently.

I apologize if this is not the proper forum.

Registered Member
I would also have hoped that there is some general consensus around the ordering of menu items, though perusing the HIG I don't see anything about orderings for specific menu items. I guess any existing consensus is a matter of devs making best efforts to be consistent with other things they use.

Just to be clear, what version of KDE, Plasma are you using? Which (versions of) tools exhibit inconsistent behaviors?

airdrik, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Dec.
Registered Member
I use mint 18.2 and unfortunately do not know the kde/plasma/product versions...

as I mentioned I use cut/paste often in say LibreOffice and then switch to Konsole and cut/paste is in a different order on the edit menu.
having consistency would help (new) users find kde/linux easier to use.
one of the values (maybe the only) of windows was a consistent menu structure, which kde has at the top level.

thanks for a good product!

Registered Member
You can generally go to Help -> About <application> to pull up a dialog which will tell you the version of the app.

I just tried (ubuntu 14.04 w/backports, KDE 4.14, libreoffice In Libreoffice's Edit menu I see the order as Cut, Copy, Paste. In Konsole's Edit menu I see the order as Copy, Paste (no Cut because that's not supported).
Comparing a few different apps (inluding LO, konsole, kwrite, dolphin, calligra, firefox, netbeans), I see that they generally order the Edit menu very similarly: Undo/Redo, Cut/Copy/Paste (paste special), Select All (and other selection functions), Find & Replace; with other menu items added towards the bottom either between the select items and the find & replace items, or below the find & replace items. Checking Kmail, I see that it does swap the Copy/Cut items (you might submit a bug to to get those swapped to put Cut first like everything else does)

I believe the order of those elements for QT (or KDE) based apps is usually defined in a ui file in the apps folder in /usr/share. In my case the file for the kde4 version of konsole is /usr/share/kde4/apps/konsole/konsoleui.rc, which for the edit menu items defers to the sessionui.rc file in that same directory (I tried editing it to change the order of a couple of menu items and relaunching konsole it then showed the new ordering). These files may not be distributed by default (in my case it looks like they were included in the backports PPA, but not the main repos?), in which case I would expect the order to be based on whatever the order was in Git ( unless the Distro decided to change it when they built the package.

airdrik, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Dec.


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