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Calendar App Design Concept

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Calendar App Design Concept

Fri Sep 01, 2017 9:47 am
Hi, i'm using KDE for almost 2 years now and i love it. Previously i was a Gnome user, and the only App i miss from them is the Calendar App. Because i prefer consistency in the OS design, i miss a Calendar App from KDE itself, simple and clean, so i decided to create a test mockup about my idea of what could be a Calendar App from KDE.

Ok, i didn't use the VDG Mockup, but i wanted to be free in terms of creativity and i didn't use it, i just wanted to share my concept.

Feedback is appreciated! ... pp-Concept
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Re: Calendar App Design Concept  Topic is solved

Sat Sep 02, 2017 12:37 pm
Nice mockup, it feels like it might be a good approach for a Kirigami-based UI for Calendar software.

I do feel like I should mention that there actually are some calendar software options from KDE.
The main application would be KOrganizer, which can be used as part of Kontact. The UI/UX is nowhere near your mockup, but you could help the KDE PIM team create a Kirigami-based UI/UX for KOrganizer.

There's also the option of using Plasma widgets. Some can show events from KOrganizer, some can show events directly from an external calendar (Google Calendar or an iCalendar file in Event Calendar). I think the default Digital Clock widget can show the events from KOrganizer, using the PIM Events plugin (available in KDE Applications 16.08+). You could also think of how to get your design in widget-form, if you want to create your own Plasma widget.

I just wanted to provide you with some of the options that I know of for native-KDE calendar software and how you could connect that to getting your mockup realized. I hope it's useful to you.


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