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Assistance with color scheme theme.

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Assistance with color scheme theme.

Wed Nov 22, 2017 2:16 am

I am wanting to create a KDE Plasma theme for all you guys but am having some trouble. I am working on the color scheme theme. I have most of it completed but have a few issues. I cannot seem to figure out why the system settings will not match my colors. I can't figure out how to change it at all. It just stays at this weird and ugly gradient. All the rest of the color schemes change and match it accordingly. But for some reason it won't with mine.

My system settings look:

I also can't seem to change some things from the old theme such as the scrollbar colors and button highlight borders, and some apps that integrate well with some of the default themes will not do it with my theme for example, Discover in KDE Neon. I'm pretty much stuck here. I have changed everything and haven't got the results I had hoped for. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Anyways thanks for taking the time to stop by and read this.

If this is the wrong place to post this or to ask for help I apologize. I'm totally new to this sort of thing or these forums.
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Not all of the parts (i.e. the scrollbars and highlight borders you mentioned) of the color scheme will take effect immediately, but things should look as expected after restarting the respective application (including the system settings app).
If that does not help, at least after a system restart or logout/login everything should be fine.

Applications that are not Qt-based will most likely not be affected by the plasma color scheme, except maybe gtk applications using the oxygen-gtk-theme. Some applications also have hard-coded colors that can not be influenced by custom color palettes.


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