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Fixing a UX issue on mobile

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Fixing a UX issue on mobile

Sat Nov 14, 2020 4:20 pm
On Mobile (Kirigami) there is a pattern of using a search box and only providing an 'eraser' icon.

The issue on virtual keyboard based devices is that this makes it really hard to get out of the interaction.
Where "getting out" means any of:
* removing the virtual keyboard (to get back screen real-estate).
* exiting the application
* cancelling the search.

While the last one is possible using the eraser icon, the other two are difficult. In most cases people need to learn the trick of sliding down the virtual keyboard which brings other issues, for instance it may be really tricky to get it back again if there is no place to switch keyboard focus on.

The solution may lie in copying what BlackBerry did in its OS 10.

It is to put cancel button on the right side of the search field.

What do people think about doing this and adding that to the Kirigami.SearchField, enabled by default.


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