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Mask/layers selection + other bugs

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Mask/layers selection + other bugs

Sat Dec 13, 2014 2:58 pm
HI dev team, new here, but i've been using krita for a few months. Great software you have here. Let me jump right into it...

When you create a paint layer, and then add a transparency mask, it would seem that you can't move the paint layer independently from the mask layer, but you can move the mask layer independently from the paint layer.

In PS, there is an "unlink" button which allows you to move the paint layer and leave the mask where it is. Not sure what the solution for this would be in krita, because masks are set up in a kind of "group" fashion.

I don't know if thats a "minor" bit of coding, but that would be the reason I have made this topic in the development forum.


When I click the transform tool in the tool menu, and then hit B shortcut, to go back to brush, it doesn't work. I have to manually click the brush button. Seems to be some conflicts between shortcuts, and tool menu icons not updating, or shortcuts not working at all when an icon has been selected from the tool menu.

In the brush settings, the icon does not update when you change the rotation of the brush.

Related, clipping masks are quite popularized at the moment, for even more control (non-destructive workflows are obviously super important). They are difficult to explain perhaps. Its basically a new layer, that borrows the transparency information from the layer below. I was wondering what the chances are of seeing something like that in krita? The new split alpha makes it much easier to make masks from layers, it has the right idea. (i'd say a clipping mask, behaves more like alpha lock, except on its own independent layer)

anyway, looking forward to some feedback. Sorry if my explanations are horrible and if I posted in the wrong forum.

I'm using Windows 7 64bit , and i'm using the latest download that was announced on main page.
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hey nharmony,

Thanks for the feedback.

For your point with transparency mask linking, Krita currently does not follow that paradigm (to the best of my knowledge). All of the different mask types are tied to the parent layer -- so I think it is a one way street for now. That would be a nice feature request. We would have to figure out a way to accomplish that with the current application's architecture.

For the shorctus, I can verify that they will all start working with the next build. The multi-document feature that was added created massive architecture changes with the code, so that is why they originally broke. There has been a mountain of fixes in the past week with shortcuts and crashes.

Clipping masks -- The closest thing, to my knowledge, in Krita are the transparency masks. That would be a good feature request.

With feature requests, I think it is helpful to put use cases on *why* you would use something. This application is not Photoshop, so there is a good chance we won't just copy exactly how Photoshop does it. It has to work with Krita's existing code base and patterns. If you can explain what you want to do with clipping masks, that really helps us out. We can figure out the best technical solution to make that happen.
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KDE Developer
We have inherit alpha for the clipping masks.

The difference is that layers with inherit alpha take the lowest layer in their group as the clipping layer. So you'll need to put the associated layers in a group.

The inherit alpha function can be toggled with the 'a' symbol in the layer icons.
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therahedwig, thanks, i had thought inherit alpha was what I wanted to start with. I had played with the inherit alpha before making this post, but what I was missing was the fact that you had to put everything in a group, so I assumed it was something else.

That clears things up for that :)

Hi scott, its not my intent, I just needed to refer to PS so that perhaps devs could "Look it up" if my explanation wasn't clear. Anyway clipping mask = inherit alpha from bottom layer of group, thats been cleared up now.

The reason I would want to move the paint layer independently from the transparency mask, is because when I import a photo texture, I can load mask that i have already made. If I can't see a real time preview of where the texture is moving with the mask, it will be problematic.

You CAN actually move the paint layer independently from the mask using the free transform tool, but not the move tool? thats strange. When using transform, you don't get real time feedback.

Coincidentally, it should look like what you see when you use inherit alpha ;)

1. Make a group
2. add two layers
3. on the lower layer, draw a circle or something
4. on the above layer, select inherit alpha, now paint some kinda texture.
5. select the move tool, and move that layer around, see how the texture you drew stays inside the boundaries of the layer below?

Essentially, I should have the freedom to do that with a transparency mask too.

Thanks for the clarifications about the shortcuts, Scott, and good luck.


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