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greater blending mode in ver3 alpha

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greater blending mode in ver3 alpha

Wed Apr 13, 2016 2:00 am
Hi while the newly introduced greater mode in Krita 3 alpha effectively eliminates stroke overlapping artifact, it's not quite practical as it should be, for example


the left most one is of normal blending mode, it illustrates the overlapping effects i mentioned, as you can see by using greater mode, you get rid of the overlapping stroke but when you paint a lighter colour on top of it (the example in the middle), the new stroke goes under because the opaque is less, but what is desirable for practical painting is when you put down a stroke of a different colour it should stay on top of the existing pixel (see the sample on the right), I know there might be some technique difficulties to implement such as the greater mode seems to only detect transparency, but I still hope there's a way around it so it'll become truly useful for painting.
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KDE Developer
Well... If you can come up with a name and an algorithm that does what want, we can always add another blending mode :-). The list is long enough that nobody will have used them all, one more won't hurt!

If you want to experiment yourself, the relevant code is in krita/libs/pigment/compositeops, and it's pretty straightforward.


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