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Variable width vector strokes and related features.

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KDE Developer
While variable width vector strokes are mentioned in the current 2016 kickstarter as stretchgoals only(numbers 17 and 19), we do need to start thinking of what is necessary, what problems we face and how we could start solving them.

I've been making a google doc with these things. This includes problems with the current calligraphy tool, stroking, format to save to, existing implementations, etc.

Link to google-doc, select text and right-click to comment
This document is comment-only for outsiders, this is to make sure we discuss things beforehand :)

Please add you thoughts to it, here or in the doc. If you are going to make feature requests, tell me HOW you are gonna use the proposed feature. If you are gonna make interface mockups, please tell me why you think the interface you're thinking of is necessary.

We'll discuss the resultant doc on the sprint. The related phabricator task is T1672.


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