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Bug(?): Can't seem to select results in Brush search?

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If I do a search in the Brush Presets window, clicking on any of the resulting brush items doesn't select them (whereas it DOES work in a non-search context).

On my system, the whole tag thing doesn't seem to work, so maybe it's related.
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The tags have issues, so we know about those right now.

Selecting brushes works for me ok after filtering, so not sure how exactly you are doing that.
Registered Member
Hi, Scottpetrovic. When in the brush presets window, I type in a keywork into the search field at the bottom, it (successfully) displays relevant brushes with that keyword in it... but clicking on the brushes (name, icon, anything) doesn't select the brush. The previous/current brush remains as the current brush.

Clearing the search field (resulting in the brush being filled with ALL the brushes again), DOES allow me to select a brush, though.

Very odd...

I'll have to experiment with it some more, and see if there's any change. I am finding Krita to be running a bit wobbly for some features... Frequent pauses during things like moving layers in the layer stack (...although using the up/down arrow key icons at the bottom of the layer window is pretty much instantaneous). Not sure what these pauses (for certain things) are, since I'm running on an i7 with 32 gigs of RAM, and not working on huge files.

I think it's only been v3.0 that is acting weird for me. v2.9 seemed to be okay, although I didn't have much of a chance to fully test everything before I went to 3.0.
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I tinkered with this a little further and found something...

It appear the issue is only if there is only ONE item in the search results.

When I did a search resulting in more than one item returned, I could click (highlight) the various items, and Krita would make that item the current brush.

Try this... Go into the Brush Presets window, and type a keyword that you know will result in only a single item... For the Default set of Krita brushes, 'Water' works, as only one item has the word water in it.

You will (hopefully!) see that the one item is currently highlighted. Clicking on it does nothing, and if you also look down at the status bar at the very bottom of the screen, you will see that the previous (current) brush name hasn't changed.

Seems like maybe the issue is because Krita pre-highlights one item in the search results... and if there is only ONE item, you can't 'select' it, as it's already 'selected' ( least in the sense of it being highlighted).

Just my theory...

Please let me know if you try it and get the same (or different) results. Again, you need to type in a keyword that will result in only a SINGLE brush item being listed in the search results.


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