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Rambling about the fill tool.

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Rambling about the fill tool.

Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:09 am

I understand that the fill tool has a content aware fill system that takes in account all layers, and thats awesome and has its uses. But would it be possible for the fill tool to fill only based on layer above?

For use on this kind of workflow: a lineart layer drawn on separate layer over a messy sketch background layer (or layers). Then add a layer between those and use it as a fill layer for the lineart. Now if the background sketch is super messy, filling it in with the content aware fill is going to be quite the pain.

The lazy brush tool is kind of doing this but it's going the extra mile of adding multiple colours, gap detection etc. The fill tool is great for getting the flats done quickly without much work when lines are all closed.
And to be honest I would probably use the lazy brush if it was lightning fast, but as it is now, it's not usable.

My workaround has been to fill a layer under the lineart completely with flat colour, then get the fill tool in eraser mode and "fill" with erase around the lineart. This actually works pretty great, but I found it out in complete accident. I didn't really think that fill tool can erase 8)
It also means that I need to fiddle around with the settings all the time and disable layers that are on top and after that enable them again etc. so it creates alot of unnencessary work.
So if the fill tool would only refer to the layer above, that would be a big help for my workflow.
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Re: Rambling about the fill tool.

Wed Nov 16, 2016 11:33 am
Check:limit to current layer
Please look at the screenshot
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Re: Rambling about the fill tool.

Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:20 pm
Hello, thanks for answering.

I know about the limit to current layer (I use that option to fill layer below line art), but I don't want to fill the current layer as that would either fill over some of my lineart or leave holes. That is why it would be better if the fill tool would work on layer below the line art.
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Re: Rambling about the fill tool.

Thu Nov 17, 2016 1:53 am
Have you tried the GMIC colorize filter.
There is a tutorial by David Revoy:
I think this is fast enough, and you can split each color in to it's separate layer if you want.
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Re: Rambling about the fill tool.

Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:05 am
Grow selection:1px
All unchecked~These effects will be good ~
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Re: Rambling about the fill tool.

Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:53 am
I know what you mean! but these days I just make a selection and then move to the bottom layer to fill that selection. It might be good to be able to select a layer and tick a checkbox in tool options that says "limit to selected layer"
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Re: Rambling about the fill tool.

Fri Nov 18, 2016 7:40 am
Ramskulls: Yep, the selection tool works nicely as well. That is what I used earlier while mostly working in photoshop. And it still is my only option in photoshop. I don't mind it as there the magic wand selection tool is way more faster.
In krita there are multiple ways of doing the fills and it's fun to experiment with them, trying to find the best solution for every situation. I do hope the dev team finds a way to make the lazy brush faster as I really like the workflow it has.

Artur: Oh yeah I almost forgot the whole G'mic filter! I remember it being very slow and cumbersome to use. Also it crashed almost every time I tried it...
But I did try it again and it was alot faster than it used to be! Also it didn't crash krita as it used to do 8) Though the file I tested it on was quite small but I'll definitely try it again later in some more serious work.

Senlinos: I definitely should try to fiddle around with those settings more. The treshold is still kind of a mystery to me...
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Re: Rambling about the fill tool.

Fri Nov 18, 2016 8:10 am
vuollet wrote:Hello, thanks for answering.

I know about the limit to current layer (I use that option to fill layer below line art), but I don't want to fill the current layer as that would either fill over some of my lineart or leave holes. That is why it would be better if the fill tool would work on layer below the line art.

I'm probably missing something about your requirements. Couldn't you just duplicate your clean lineart layer and then use the fill-tool with limit to current layer? Or just remove your messy sketch layer?

It does sound like GMIC / lazybrush are probably the right way to go. I don't want to speak for the Krita developers but my personal feeling is that adding relative positioning to the fill tool is too specific to be included. While my use cases aren't the exact same, I do a lot of color filling and this is exactly why I'm so excited about the lazybrush tool. I can't wait for the speedy-version :)
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Re: Rambling about the fill tool.

Fri Nov 18, 2016 1:09 pm
iwubdrawing: Yeah, I think my usecase might be quite specific and not many have the same issues. My work involves multiple characters and objects etc within one document that all have a lineart layer + flat fill layer structure, and then copies of the flat layer for colour variations etc. And this process will be repeated over and over again until the whole document is filled with layer groups all over the place 8) The result is a large modular image that can be easily customized for clients.

Duplicatin the lineart layer sounds like a good idea and might actually work. My first reaction was that it will change the lineart thickness a bit but I keep forgetting that the fill tool has grow selection. I have to test that technique.

And I hope I don't sound too whiny about it as this is not really a deal breaker or anything. Just the repetition of these same steps over and over makes it a bit tedious and makes me wonder if there is some way to improve. And it's not helping that krita gets a bit slow when there are more layers. At least on windows.

I started thinking about this after getting a taste of the lazy brush 8) If I didn't even know about any better I would probably not even think about this.


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