1. The "Don't show contents when moving sub-window" window settings checkbox won't save its state as unchecked when applying. I believe this is a Bug. Exactly what does this option do...? A live preview update when moving sub-windows, rather than draw a colored box?
2. When using the mousewheel over the Brush presets docker: Display->Icon Size slider, the slider updates but not the preview. This probably has to do with the Qt MouseWheelEvent needing tweaked to update the panel of options. The LeftMouseDragEvent on the slider works as expected and updates the icon size preview.
3. The Edit Brush Settings panel Scratchpad has no zooming options. As is, it looks "blown up", which makes it unusual to guess what it will really look like before saving a brush preset. Also, not sure if right clicking on the scratchpad is supposed to change your colors, but this is what is happening. Shouldn't the scratchpad simulate the regular document settings?
Bugs need to go to the bugtracker(bugs.kde.org). We will NOT be able to work on them if they are reported on the forum.
1. Also needs to go to the bugtracker. This function is supposed to determine whether to show the content when resizing which can help with dealing with drawing artifacts. 2. Needs to go to the bugtracker. 3. is not a bug, both are intentional(the scratchpad's rightclick should be picking colors, and the zoom settings are equal to the canvas zoom)
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