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Krita Suggestions!!

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Krita Suggestions!!

Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:59 pm
Hi, I love Krita!!! Some things I'd like to see, please consider to do it!! <3
I'd make a donation if it's neccesary for the three following improvements:

1) Keyboard shortcut to show/hide the current layer

2) Make the polygonal selection tool to be like the one in GIMP (I love how it works in GIMP!). When you click in a point, it makes a straight line, and when you hold it you do hand drawing.

3) Let customize the Krita pop up palette (like size, colors, opacity, can add custom shortcuts/toggles/sliders buttons to it; for ex: show a mini custom color palette)

- Another thing, not a suggestion for desktop version, but iPad version for Krita would be like a killer! I've read some about it, but please consider it. I'd pay more than 20usd for a Krita desktop-like version for iPad.

THANKS!!!!!!!!! <3
(forgive my english!)


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