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How To Create Custom Dockers ?

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How To Create Custom Dockers ?

Sun Mar 25, 2018 12:39 pm
Hi , is there any way to create custom dockers (along with custom keys, sliders etc) ? (I have seen customization in blender , I really want to know if I can create custom Krita dockers)
I was using my Surface Pro , and I really wanted something like an onscreeen panel on windows to use Krita faster. I would have made something quick and dirty for windows , but for other OSes I'd need to remake tham over and over again (that's just dumb)(my main system is linux).
I am wondering if that can be done in Krita inbuilt so I don't have to go through hastle of customizing in every diff os.
Here is the idea I came up with. :)


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