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Installing Debug Symbols on Arch Linux

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I want to be able to create proper backtraces for any future bug reports.

Is there a way to install Krita on Arch so that debug symbols are available to debuggers? Will I have to build from source, as per Revoy's tutorial? If so, which source do I use?

While I see the debug package for Windows, I don't see one for Linux on the download page: There is the Ubuntu package, but my understanding is that a PPA isn't compatible with Arch.
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markgo wrote:I want to be able to create proper backtraces for any future bug reports.

Is there a way to install Krita on Arch so that debug symbols are available to debuggers? Will I have to build from source, as per Revoy's tutorial? If so, which source do I use?

While I see the debug package for Windows, I don't see one for Linux on the download page: There is the Ubuntu package, but my understanding is that a PPA isn't compatible with Arch.

Hi there, for Arch, you can use (install) the package named dgb, and you can find some information for its usage in ... _guide#Gdb is very simple really, just execute from the terminal something like $gdb krita (or $gdb ./krita if in local directory like when you build it) then within the dgb console you can start Krita with r, and it will show you the information while running the program, be aware that it gets a bit slow.

You don't have to build krita to debug it, that's optional.

For Arch, you don't want to install anything from anywhere else but from its own repository, AUR or stuff you build yourself, thus yeah, any Debian distro like Ubuntu is not compatible with Arch, and obviously I'm talking about either Arch or Antergos, if you Using Manjaro, be aware is not Arch is it has its own kernel/repositories, thus check its own instructions as they may be a bit different from what I just posted above :)

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