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[Suggestion] Improving the Bezier Curve Tool

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I've noticed that, despite years of practice, my speed of inking / creating line-art digitally still remains slower than my ability to ink on paper with pen if the style isn't loose and requires precision and crispness of those lines. It takes me a very long time to finish an artwork which should, theoretically, only take less than half of that time. This isn't a Krita issue, of course, but I believe Krita can actually help in that area.

At first I believed that the Bezier Curve Tool could actually help, but somehow it doesn't -- because of its necessity adjust the first tangent before the curve is even drawn, at least for me (I'm not sure about anybody else), it becomes very unintuitive to get the right lines in place. As a result I have to keep undoing and redoing it until it comes out just right, the time I could have simply taken to to create that curve by hand with the use of Spline assistant (which is something I don't want to keep doing over and over again). This is one of the biggest reasons why the Bezier Curve Tool almost never gets used by me, because it doesn't do the job I need done.

I think there are ways we can make this better though -- either via sticking to Raster by changing the way the tool behaves, or via Vector.

For the former, I think we can take some cues from AZPainter (or AZPainterB) which, while still a simple drawing lightweight drawing application, has a Bezier Tool that works just right. What it does is first requires you to define the line that needs to be drawn and then gives you the option to adjust the tangents for the curve, which -- while it shares the same principle as Krita's Bezier Curve Tool -- is a bit more intuitive to work with. Though, you don't have to make Krita behave the exact same way, so long as somebody can figure out something that's even better, faster and more intuitive to work with.

Another idea is using Vectors, much like like Paint Tool Sai, which can be drawn first and then adjusted at one's leisure whenever and however they want. Paint Tool Sai also has an additional feature where the lines / curves drawn can have their width adjusted accordingly, which is a time-saver when an art-director requires the width of certain lines to change while still remaining crisp. The most important thing, however, is that the lines can be adjusted whenever we change our minds. Again, you don't have to copy the exact same feature idea, so long as an improvement can achieve the same result of being intuitive and faster to work with.

(Note: The reason I keep saying "you don't have to make Krita behave the same way" is because I understand you get a lot of requests for making Krita work the same way as another tool out there, and I understand that feature-duplication is usually not always practical or even reasonable due to the varying ethos of the programs. I'm only providing references of how the competitors handle this issue to get some inspiration on how Krita can handle it in a way that works for Krita.)

The Bezier Curve Tool may not necessarily have to change in its entirety to make it a bit more usable, however. We could simply add in some "options" in the Tool Options that allows users to work with it differently.

Example 1: The Bezier Curve can have check-boxes which can not only allow the user to adjust the tangents after the line has been drawn but also another checkbox to adjust its width or anything else that one can imagine the Bezier Curve Tool could potentially do.

Example 2: Even if we don't go the Vector route, the Bezier created can stay on-screen with the line drawn (in a non-continuous mode) so that you can infinitely adjust any tangents or even width of the lines, either constant or tapering near the ends, until the user hits "Enter" and the curve is complete as raster.

Anywho, i'm just throwing ideas out there. Krita has become an indispensable tool for me for professional work, the last which was an animated project called Rona, The Legend of the Kodiaks. And if it gets better as time goes, I'm happy enough to look out for the next release. I appreciate all the work you guys do. Thank you.


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