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[Request] Pasting directly into current layer

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I understand that the feature of creating a new layer with the pasted content is useful to many. I've personally never made much use of it myself, just take the extra step to merge the new layer in every time. I was pretty fine with doing this until I tried out animating today. The thing I was animating had some parts that would be way easier to copy and paste instead of redrawing something multiple times menially, but by trying to paste something in the layer I'm using to animate, and having to merge its new layer into it, messed it up by appearing on all frames making me manually erase it from them. Someone else raised the exact same problem before, here:
but got no responses.

I'm also requesting this as a general thing, not to replace the current mode of creating a new layer every time, but maybe as an alternative option? I know Photoshop does this (ctrl alt v to paste into new layer, and ctrl v like normal to paste into current) IIRC, so it would be lovely to have the option for convenience if nothing else. I really, really love the work done with Krita and it's now actually my main drawing program of choice, but this thing is turning me off using the animation feature completely.
Registered Member
I'm seconding this feature request (with the separeate keyboard binding).

If you're a pixel artist or work with sprites, this could be really useful. Another area that could benefit this would be animation, especially when you would like to re-use previous states of an animated layer.
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KDE Developer
Useful links regarding the topic:

AMA with developers on reddit, someone asked about it

Phabricator discussion

Afaik instant jump to a transform tool is already implemented; I believe further discussions on how to improve animation paste-to-frame workflow are needed to determine what exactly should be done and how.

Some my ideas:

- while pasting from animated layer is made the way that makes it easy to merge down, pasting from non-animated layer or outside source is harder, since you need to make all those three frames manually and move them into the correct place. It would be nice if the paste command checked what layer is selected, and if the animated layer is selected, created a new layer ready to merge down, with those three frames created already. The frame with actual content should be in the position (in the same time slot) of the selected frame in that moment. Possible downside: if someone wants to have an unanimated layer after merging, they need to navigate to the unanimated layer just to paste something.

- paste to frame with replacing the content of the frame - I often want to just copy a content and put it into a frame. It should work the same way as "Copy to clipboard/Paste from clipboard", but without the need to create a new layer, make it animated in the correct way to not lose the content*, then copy/move the content from current timeslot to the desired one. Yeah it would be easier if the first idea were implemented, but still not easy/fast enough. What I need doesn't have the problems that the "paste to current layer" have, because there is no need to move the content before merging; you can move/transform the content after merging since there is no other content, only the pasted one.

* btw I think the possibility of losing the content by making a new blank frame on an previously unanimated layer (in the first timeslot I think) should be replaced to just "whatever frame user wanted, it gets the content one"; I don't know, maybe it is fixed already?

(Disclaimer: I'm not a Krita developer)
Registered Member
option to Paste into current frame without creating a new layer would be VERY useful for animation


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