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[Feature Request] Resize Selection like Crop Tool

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The Crop Tool offers the ability to easily adjust its selection with handles.

The Selection Tool would also benefit greatly from similar functionality, especially if engaged in pixel perfect work.

Krita 4.2 has introduced the ability to edit and transform the selection via a right click menu option. While this does the job, the user experience could be streamlined by allowing at least resizing of the selection just as is possible with the crop tool. Thus code already exists in Krita to mark out an area, and adjust it's size, and a copy of it could be repurposed for the selection tool.

Extra tranformations to the selection, could still remain accessible via the current right click menu option.

It's a no brainer that being able to adjust the selection on the fly improves the user experience / workflow, especially if having to work to pixel perfect selection.

Consider the ease of use that is available with the crop tool, and how that also would then translate into the selection tool.

It is a feature I have often wished for in Krita, and something that I have missed since switching from GIMP. It makes for great improvement in user workflow.

I opened a feature request on the bug tracker. The developers want some further feedback on this.
Registered Member
Actually I think we do have it--Just transform the global selection mask.

You can click `Select -> Show Global Selection Mask` to show the mask. After selecting something, you can switch to the global selection mask in the Layers Docker and use the transform tool.

There could be improvements, though, for example to exclude the black area from the extent of that mask, but that's another thing.


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