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Suggestion for Krita Freehand Path Tool

Tags: freehand, vectors freehand, vectors freehand, vectors
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Greetings all, Sammy here,

I'm trying to get into digital drawing (and I have a graphics tablet). I have a neurological condition where I lack fine motor control with my hands. Therefore, when I draw a line, I can't quite get a precise line where I want it to go regardless of how many times I retry.
Therefore I need to use Vector Graphics. I've investigated various drawing programs, and find that Krita is the best for me because of the one tool: Freehand Path Tool. With it, I can make a digital picture fast.
(A close second is Clip Studio Paint, but Krita is better.)

Note: When I use the tool, all nodes are initialized to Corner Points. After this, I'll switch to the Edit Shapes Tool, and move the nodes and curves to what I want.
Suggestion: Is it possible that there can be a setting for Freehand Path Tool so that I can pre-set all nodes to Corner Point, Smooth Point or Symmetric Point?

Another minor suggestion: In:
Settings >> Configure Krita >> Keyboard Shortcuts >> Tools >> Path Tool
There is no default keyboard shortcut for Smooth point. I use keyboard shortcuts for Insert Point (Ins), Remove Point (Backspace), and Smooth Point (Home) to edit my vector after it is drawn. I altered Insert Point and Smooth Point keyboard shortcuts for my own purpose, since those keys are next to each other on my keyboard. I don't think Home key is used elsewhere for keyboard shortcuts. Eh, a very minor suggestion, I changed it, it works great for me.

Again, thanks for making a wonderful tool that works with my disability.

I forgot to add, I'm using Krita 4.2.8.
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KDE Developer
> Suggestion: Is it possible that there can be a setting for Freehand Path Tool so that I can pre-set all nodes to Corner Point, Smooth Point or Symmetric Point?

That should be possible, please write a bug report on with "Importance = wish", meaning it's a wish, not an actual bug. It should be easy to implement, but when we do that depends on if there will be a person who can do it and sees the report... Because we have a lot of reports in the system :(
Registered Member
Thanks for the feedback, I'll log the bug.


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